{"Issue GCode":"Issue GCodes","Country Code":"Country Code","Phone Number":"Phone Number","Message":"Message","Send Email":"Send Email","registration.submit":"Register","Issue":"Issue","Cancel":"Cancel","Expired":"Expired","Cancelled":"Cancelled","Resend Email":"Resend Email","Redeemed":"Redeemed","Activate":"Activate","Activated":"Activated","Issue GCodes":"Issue GCodes","The following GCodes are available for issuance.":"The following GCodes are available for issuance.","Available":"Available","Currency":"Currency","Value":"Value","Product Family":"Product Family","Action":"Action","Email":"Email ","Wallet":"Wallet","Select the":"Select the","\u201cActivate\u201d":"\u201cActivate\u201d","button to convert to points.":"button to convert to points.","Points Balance":"Points Balance","N\/A":"N\/A","pts":"pts","Conversion":"Conversion","Point":"Point","Redeem":"REDEEM","Points Earned":"Points Earned","Points Redeemed":"Points Redeemed","Shop Now":"Shop Now","Add Funds":"Add Funds","GCodes":"GCodes","Send":"Send","Account Balance":"Account Balance","Please confirm your purchase.":"Please confirm your purchase.","Quantity":"Quantity","Total Price":"Total Price","Recipient":"Recipient","An email will be sent to":"An email will be sent to","I agree to the":"I agree to the","GCodes Purchase Agreement":"GCodes Purchase Agreement","Confirm":"Confirm","Order and send a GCode.":"Order and send a GCode.","Order GCodes":"Order GCodes","Reward Details":"Reward Details","Sender":"Sender","Receiver":"Receiver","Bulk Buy":"Bulk Buy","Please select one of the following options:":"Please select one of the following options:","Order multiple GCodes for manual issuance at a later date.":"Order multiple GCodes for manual issuance at a later date.","Issuance Importer":"Issuance Importer","Order multiple GCodes and issue them immediately via our issuance importer.":"Order multiple GCodes and issue them immediately via our issuance importer.","GCode Details":"GCode Details","Code Key":"Code Key","Status":"Status","Issued":"Issued","Copy Redemption Link":"Copy Redemption Link","Description":"Description","Expiry Date":"Expiry Date","Transaction History":"Transaction History","Date":"Date","Owner":"Owner","Type":"Type","Back":"Back","File validation failed.":"File validation failed.","Errors":"Errors","Row":"Row","Column":"Column","Header":"Header","Error":"Error","File validation complete.":"File validation complete.","Import scheduled for processing.":"Import scheduled for processing.","Thanks for using the bulk importer!":"Thanks for using the bulk importer!","Order and issue multiple GCodes.":"Order and issue multiple Gcodes.","Validate File":"Validate File","Download Import Template":"Download Import Template","Columns":"Columns","Field":"Field","Required":"Required","GCodes® - INSTANT REWARDS, EVERYWHERE.™":"GCodes® - INSTANT REWARDS, EVERYWHERE.™","Privacy Policy":"Privacy Policy","Global Reward Solutions Inc":"Global Reward Solutions Inc","Shop":"Shop","Dream Tracker":"Dream Tracker","View Cart":"View Cart","Account":"Account","My Profile":"My Profile","My Orders":"My Orders","Points History":"Points History","Logout":"Logout","Admin":"Admin","Buy GCodes":"Buy GCodes","Send GCodes":"Send GCodes","Transactions":"Transactions","Manage User":"Manage User","Integrations":"Integrations","Terms of Use":"Terms of Use","Login":"Log in","Register":"Register","Congratulations!":"Congratulations!","Redeem now for great rewards.":"Redeem now for great rewards.","Redeem now for great rewards!":"Redeem now for great rewards!","log in":"Log in","Activating code":"Activating code","Redeeming Code":"Redeeming Code","Please enter your code.":"Please enter your code.","GCodes - INSTANT REWARDS, EVERYWHERE.":"GCodes - INSTANT REWARDS, EVERYWHERE.","Name":"Name","Discription":"Discription","Enabled":"Enabled","Enable":"Enable","Enabling":"Enabling","Please select your funding option.":"Please select your funding option.","Wire Transfer":"Wire Transfer","Certified Check":"Certified Check","Credit Card":"Credit Card","X Business Days":"X Business Days","Please send a wire transfer marked \"GCODE CLIENT #ABCD\" to":"Please send a wire transfer marked \"GCODE CLIENT #ABCD\" to","Bank of XYZ":"Bank of XYZ","Please send a certified check to ....":"Please send a certified check to ....","Amount":"Amount","USD":"USD","CAD":"CAD","EUR":"EUR","GBP":"GBP","Agree to Terms and Conditions":"Agree to Terms and Conditions","Pay with PayPal":"Pay with PayPal","History":"History","Export":"Export","Do you want to export transactions or GCodes?":"Do you want to export transactions or GCodes?","From Date":"From Date","To Date":"To Date","Export Transactions":"Export Transactions","Export GCodes":"Export GCodes","Close":"Close","Transaction Details":"Transaction Details","ID":"ID","Created":"Created","Gallery Unavailable":"Gallery Unavailable","Account Disabled":"Account Disabled","There was an error creating your storefront account, please contact your administrator.":"There was an error creating your storefront account, please contact your administrator.","You have not received any GCodes.":"You have not received any GCodes.","Order and send a":"Order and send a","GCode.":"GCode.","Welcome":"Welcome","Profile":"Profile","Gallery":"Gallery","Please login or create an account to redeem your GCode":"Please login or create an account to redeem your GCode","Float Adjustment":"Float Adjustment","GCodes Redeemed":"GCodes Redeemed","GCodes Activated":"GCodes Activated","button to convert GCodes to points.":"button to convert GCodes to points.","Redeeming":"Redeeming","Validating Code":"Validating Code","Symfony2 is great":"Symfony2 is great","Support":"Support","Please provide your name, contact information and details on how we can best assist you.":"Please provide your name, contact information and details on how we can best assist you.","Please enter":"Please enter","authentication code":"authentication code","Verify":"Verify","SMS":"SMS","Both":"Both","Resend code?":"Resend code?","Having trouble logging in? Log me out.":"Having trouble logging in? Log me out.","Reset google authentication QR-Code?":"Reset google authentication QR-Code?","PrivacyPolicy.paragraph1":"Your privacy is very important to us. Accordingly, we have developed this Policy in order for you to understand how we collect, use, communicate, disclose, and make use of personal information. The following outlines our privacy policy.","Accountability":"Accountability","Privacypolicy.accountability":"GCodes, wholly owned and operated by Global Reward Solutions Inc., takes responsibility for the security, confidentiality, and privacy of information provided to it. We have teams responsible for ensuring that this and other policies are kept up-to-date and enforced throughout the organization.","Identifying Purposes":"Identifying Purposes","Privacypolicy.identifyingpurposes.p1":"We collect information on this website for the purposes of sales and marketing. Information provided to us will be used strictly for the purposes of contacting you in regards to the services offered by GCodes and Global Reward Solutions Inc. This information is provided through contact forms on the site. Information collected may contain name, email address, and phone number \u2013 all provided explicitly by you, the user.","Privacypolicy.identifyingpurposes.p2":"Additionally we do collect aggregate information on all site visitors through the use of browser cookies & Google Analytics. This information is used in order to track site engagement and marketing campaign effectiveness. Information collected may contain IP address, site page visited before visiting this site, operating system and browser used, geo location, and language preference. This information is collected implicitly from you, by the use of the site. If you do not wish to have this information collected please discontinue use of this site.","Consent":"Consent","Privacypolicy.concent.p1":"By visiting this site you agree to the collection of data pertaining to your site visit through browser cookies. If you do not wish to have this information collected please discontinue use of this site.","Privacypolicy.concent.p2":"By entering information into the contact forms on this site you are explicitly providing us consent to the collection and use of your personal information. This does not limit your rights to request updates to or removal of this information at a late point in time.","Limiting Collection":"Limiting Collection","Privacypolicy.limitingcollection":"We limit our collection of information to the types and methods above. We only collect the minimum information required and no more.","Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention":"Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention","Privacypolicy.limitinguse":"We do not use information collected for purposes other than those stated. We do not distribute your personal information to any 3rd party. We retain this information for the duration of its usefulness, which will typically last 2 years. Backed-up and archived data may be kept for up to 7 years.","Accuracy":"Accuracy","Privacypolicy.accuracy":"We strive to maintain accurate and up to date information. If information has changed you may elect to inform us and we will make the necessary changes on our side.","Safeguards":"Safeguards","Privacypolicy.safeguard":"At minimum, we employ industry standard protections when collecting and managing your information. All data is collected in encrypted communication channels; the data is stored on secured machines; this information is only disclosed to individuals who require access to this information. A more thorough explanation of our safeguards is available upon request.","Openness":"Openness","Privacypolicy.openness":"We will, at all times, make details of our privacy policies and management of our policies available to you. Contact us for more information.","Individual Access":"Individual Access","Privacypolicy.individualaccess.p1":"If at any time you wish to know what information we have collected about you, how it has been used, or how it may have been disclosed, please","Privacypolicy.contactsupport":"contact support","Challenging Compliance":"Challenging Compliance","Privacypolicy.compliance":"If you have any concerns with our compliance with this stated policy please","Contact Us":"Contact Us","Privacypolicy.contactus":"For all inquires please","Have you received a GCode?":"Have you received a GCode?","Redeem Now!":"Redeem Now!","Terms & Conditions":"Terms and Conditions","Purchase of GCodes":"Purchase of GCodes","Purchase.GCodes.p1":"Client hereby agrees to purchase GCodes and acknowledges and agrees that each Order constitutes a binding, unconditional contract for the purchase and sale of the GCodes which may not be cancelled by Client. The Purchase Price includes all applicable Taxes.","Purchase.Gcodes.p2":"Client authorizes the GCode Purchase Portal to accept and process GCode Orders from anyone using the information necessary to access Client\u2019s account and pay for GCode Orders including the user identification number and password provided to Client in connection with Participants registration with GCode application, and Client\u2019s payment information.","Purchase.Gcodes.p3":"Client shall not have access to the GCodes Participant balance and purchase history, nor the details of the GCode Redemption data purchased by GCodes Recipient from the Client and GCode application.","Purchase.Gcodes.p4":"All disclosures, terms and conditions, redemption instructions and any other such materials relating to the GCodes for distribution to Participants within the GCodes website.","Purchase.Gcodes.p5":"GCode Orders will not be fulfilled unless sufficient funds exist to cover the entire Purchase Price. All payments are final and non-refundable.","Purchase.Gcodes.p6":"GCodes will be transmitted to the Participant to the digital address designated by Client in connection with the submission of such GCode Order. Client acknowledges that (i) Obligation to transmit the GCodes to Participant is expressly conditioned upon availability of funds and (ii) any agreed-upon delivery date for the GCodes is subject to change for any cause that interferes with delivery of the GCodes, including, but not limited to, any event of Force Majeure. Title to the GCodes, and the risk of loss associated with the GCodes, shall pass to Client upon transmission of the GCodes to the Delivery Address.","Access to the GCodes On-line GCodes Purchase Portal":"Access to the GCodes On-line GCodes Purchase Portal","Access.Gcode.p1":"Client agrees that it shall only permit authorized personnel utilizing the security credentials provided by GRS to purchase the GCodes such authorized personnel shall only access the GCodes Purchase Portal using authorized workstations at Client-operated locations.","Access.Gcode.p2":"Client further represents, warrants and covenants that: (i) it shall cause its Client to not re-sell, nor permit the re-sale of, any of the GCodes outside the Clients own use of the GCodes; (ii) Client shall only use or distribute the GCodes purchased hereunder for loyalty, award or gifting or promotional purposes within an approved Client APP.","Access.Gcode.p3":"Client agrees that sale of the GCodes does not convey to Client any rights or licenses whatsoever, expressly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, with respect to any trademarks, trade names or other intellectual property rights related to the GCodes. For the avoidance of doubt, Client acknowledges and agrees that it shall not use any trade name, trademark or other intellectual property of any provider that may provide a GCodes Redemption Option without the prior written consent of GRS.","Activation":"Activation","Activation.p1":"Client acknowledges the GCodes must be Activated by Participant prior to use. CLIENT FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE GCodes SHOULD BE TREATED LIKE CASH AND STORED IN A SECURE MANNER UNTIL DISTRIBUTED TO THE PARTICIPANTS. \u201cActivate\u201d means enabled for purchases and capable of being used for purchases of GCodes Redemption Options.","Activation.p2":"GCodes must be activated within 90 days from date of purchase. Once activated by Participant, GCodes must be redeemed within 365 days from date of activation. Failing to activate or redeem GCodes within specified deadlines will result in GCodes being expired. Expired GCodes cannot be reactivated.","Activation.p3":"Loss Prevention","Activation.p4":"Promptly upon a Party having actual knowledge of any loss, theft or damage related to, or arising out of, the GCodes, the unauthorized Activation or redemption of the GCodes, the unauthorized issuance or attempted issuance of the GCodes, or any fraudulently Activated GCodes or attempts to fraudulently Activate GCodes, it shall notify the other Party thereof, along with any related pertinent information. In connection with receipt of such notice, the Parties shall use commercially reasonable efforts to investigate the foregoing and to mitigate any harm therefrom (such as by de-Activating the related GCodes as to any unused balance on the affected GCodes). As between GRS and Client, the Parties acknowledge that liability for losses, including damage or destruction, with respect to the GCodes shall be as follows:","Activation.p5":"(a) Any losses related to or arising out of the GCodes prior to the transmission of the GCodes to the Client shall be the sole responsibility of the GCode application","Activation.p6":"(b) Any losses related to or arising out of the GCodes following transmission of the GCodes shall be the sole responsibility of Client.","Customer Service":"Customer Service","Customer.Service.p1":"Client and Participants will be provided customer support in connection with any GCodes Orders. Client shall be responsible for any direct customer service support for Participants; however, Client shall promptly notify GCode Customer Service of any inquiries or complaints it receives from Participants arising out of any distribution of GCodes and Client shall not, and shall not permit any third party to, make any representations on behalf of or concerning any GCodes Redemption Provider.","Terms":"Terms of Use","Terms.p1":"Global Reward Solutions Inc. (\u201cGRS\u201d) provides the use of https:\/\/app.g.codes (the \u201cwebsite\u201d), the GCodes API and GCodes for Salesforce (collectively, \u201cGCodes\u201d) subject to these Terms of Use.","Terms.p2":"By accessing GCodes, you are agreeing to be bound by these website Terms and Conditions of Use, all applicable laws and regulations, and agree that you are responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing this site. The materials contained in this website are protected by applicable copyright and trade mark law.","Terms.p3":"If you have any questions regarding these terms and conditions, please contact GCodes Customer Service at","Use License":"Use License","Terms.Uselicence.p1":"Permission is granted to temporarily download one copy of the materials (information or software) of the website for personal, non-commercial transitory viewing only. This is the grant of a license, not a transfer of title, and under this license you may not:","Terms.Uselicence.li1":"modify or copy the materials","Terms.Uselicence.li2":"use the materials for any commercial purpose, or for any public display (commercial or non-commercial);","Terms.Uselicence.li3":"attempt to decompile or reverse engineer any software contained on Carlton Group Ltd.\u2019s web site","Terms.Uselicence.li4":"remove any copyright or other proprietary notations from the materials","Terms.Uselicence.li5":"transfer the materials to another person or \u201cmirror\u201d the materials on any other server.","Terms.Uselicence.p2":"This license shall automatically terminate if you violate any of these restrictions and may be terminated by GRS at any time. Upon terminating your viewing of these materials or upon the termination of this license, you must destroy any downloaded materials in your possession whether in electronic or printed format.","Disclaimer":"Disclaimer","Terms.Disclaimer.p1":"GCodes and the materials on the website are provided \u201cas is\u201d. GRS makes no warranties, expressed or implied, and hereby disclaims and negates all other warranties, including without limitation, implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property or other violation of rights. Further, GRS does not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely results, or reliability of the use of the materials on its website or otherwise relating to such materials or on any sites linked to this site.","Limitations":"Limitations","Terms.Limitations.p1":"In no event shall GRS or its suppliers be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of data or profit, or due to business interruption,) arising out of the use or inability to use of GCodes or the materials on the website, even if GRS or a GRS authorized representative has been notified orally or in writing of the possibility of such damage. Because some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on implied warranties, or limitations of liability for consequential or incidental damages, these limitations may not apply to you.","Revisions and Errata":"Revisions and Errata","Terms.Revisions.p1":"The materials appearing on GCodes or the website could include technical, typographical, or photographic errors. GRS does not warrant that any of the materials on GCodes or the website are accurate, complete, or current. GRS may make changes to the materials contained on GCodes or the website at any time without notice. GRS does not, however, make any commitment to update the materials.","Links":"Links","Terms.Links.p1":"GRS has not reviewed all of the sites linked to GCodes or its website and is not responsible for the contents of any such linked site. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by GRS of the site. Use of any such linked website is at the user\u2019s own risk.","Terms of Use Modifications":"Terms of Use Modifications","Terms.siteterms.p1":"GRS may revise these terms of use for GCodes and its website at any time without notice. By using GCodes or its website you are agreeing to be bound by the then current version of these Terms of Use.","Governing Law":"Governing Law (loi Governing Law)","Terms.governinglaw.p1":"Any claim relating to GCodes or its website shall be governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario without regard to its conflict of law provisions.","Usage":"Usage","Terms.usage.p1":"Gcodes are valid only for purchases from website. Use of GCodes requires an active GCodes account and prior acceptance of Terms and Conditions. GRS reserves the right to deactivate or reject any GCode issued or procured, directly or indirectly in connection with fraudulent actions, unless prohibited by law. GRS is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from lost or stolen GCodes or for use without permission.","GCodes Expiry":"GCodes Expiry","Terms.GCodesExpiry.p1":"GCodes must be activated and converted into GCodes gallery points within Ninety (90) days of initial purchase. GCodes gallery points must be spent within Three Hundred and Sixty Five (365) days of creation.","Customer Service \u2013 Order Inquiries":"Customer Service \u2013 Order Inquiries","Terms.CustomerService.p1":"GCodes Customer Service product order inquiry support requests are to be submitted through https:\/\/app.g.codes\/support using the Order Inquiry option.","Terms.CustomerService.p2":"GCodes Customer Service is available 24\/7, exclusive of Ontario, Canada statutory holidays, and is provided in English, French, and Spanish.","GCodes Gallery Pricing and Product Order Placement":"GCodes Gallery Pricing and Product Order Placement","Terms.Pricing.p1":"GCodes gallery product point values are subject to change without notice. In the event of an erroneously published product point value, GRS reserves the right to cancel the product order and refund the purchase.","Terms.Pricing.p2":"GCodes gallery points used to purchase products include all applicable costs when applicable: sales tax, shipping\/freight costs, handling costs, service charges, environmental levies, or other applicable fees.","Terms.Pricing.p3":"Purchaser is responsible for ensuring all product orders are complete with all required fulfillment data, which may vary by country and\/or product offering (i.e. local address information, mobile phone number per supplier delivery requirements; personal identification per national legal requirements). If the required fulfillment details are not accepted by the supplier, including incorrect or missing address details or mandatory data, the GCodes Customer Service team will contact the Purchaser for incorrect\/incomplete fulfillment details. If the requested fulfillment details are not provided by the Purchaser by the end of the third full business day, Global Reward Solutions Inc reserves the right to cancel the product order and refund the purchase.","Terms.Pricing.p4":"P.O. Box or APO addresses are not to be provided during the checkout process. If provided, GRS reserves the right to cancel the product order and refund the purchase.","Terms.Pricing.p5":"Shipping address changes are not permitted. Final delivery will be made to the address accepted during the product order check out process.","Terms.Pricing.p6":"Cross border delivery for product orders is not permitted. Product Orders will be rejected if the country specified during the check out process is not supported by all items within the cart.","Terms.Pricing.p7":"Oversized physical products and remote delivery locations (rural or remote communities) are subject to supplier terms and availability. Due to varying delivery options and timing, additional delivery time and charges may apply.","Terms.Pricing.p8":"Purchaser acknowledges all purchases will adhere to local laws, including age of majority where applicable.","Purchasing GCodes Gallery Points via PayPal":"Purchasing GCodes Gallery Points via PayPal","Terms.PayPal.p1":"Additional GCodes gallery points may be purchased through a secure PayPal account to cover the difference between the Purchaser\u2019s GCodes gallery point balance and the cost of the item(s). Purchaser\u2019s personal credit card or banking information is not collected, saved or stored by GCodes.","PayPal points purchase may be subject to additional service fees.":"PayPal points purchase may be subject to additional service fees.","Physical Product Order Fulfillment":"Physical Product Order Fulfillment","Terms.PhysicalProduct.p1":"Physical product orders will be shipped using standard ground delivery methods.","Terms.PhysicalProduct.p2":"All physical product orders will be dispatched within fifteen (15) business days, excluding public holidays or postal\/courier disruptions.","Terms.PhysicalProduct.p3":"Larger physical products, white goods such as ovens, washing machines and refrigerators are delivered via common carrier. If the purchased physical product requires delivery by this method, Purchaser may be contacted to arrange delivery and to clarify upper-level or lower-level dwelling details. Delivery times may vary for orders consisting of multiple items and delivery must be accepted as products become available. Set up, installation and removal services are not included.","Terms.PhysicalProduct.p4":"All physical product deliveries must be carefully inspected upon receipt. Issue(s) with the delivery must be brought to the attention of the delivery personnel and delivery may be refused if the product is not the correct product or appears to be damaged.","Virtual Product Order Fulfillment":"Virtual Product Order Fulfillment","Terms.VirtuaProduct.p1":"Online travel, digital media codes, mobile top-up, ebooks, and digital merchant gift card codes may be displayed upon completion of order. If not presented upon completion of order, the details of the virtual product order will be emailed within six hours or as noted within the reward description.","Travel and Ticket Services":"Travel and Ticket Services","Terms.Travel.p1":"Terms and Conditions for Travel and Event Ticket offering purchases are presented at check-out and must be accepted to complete the booking.","Substitutions":"Substitutions","Terms.Substitutions.p1":"If an ordered product becomes unavailable from the supplier, GRS reserves the right to cancel the order and refund the purchase.","Order Cancellation & Exchange Requests":"Order Cancellation & Exchange Requests","Terms.OrderCancellation.p1":"All GCode gallery product purchases are final and cannot be returned, exchanged, or cancelled, unless one of the following applies: product defect, or the incorrect product delivery.","Products received damaged or non-working condition":"Products received damaged or non-working condition","Terms.ProductsDamaged.p1":"Purchaser must notify GCodes Customer Service of any returns of damaged or non-working condition products within Ten (10) business days from dispatch date. GCodes Customer Service will coordinate all aspects of the return, including collection of the product directly from the purchaser. All GCode Customer Service order inquiry tickets for this scenario should include pictures of both the product and the packaging.","Terms.ProductsDamaged.p2":"Upon receipt and verification of the damaged or non-working product by supplier, the replacement order will be dispatched, subject to supplier availability of the original product. When applicable, return freight for both the return to the supplier and\/or for the replacement delivery, will be paid by GRS.","Terms.ProductsDamaged.p3":"If the original product is no longer available, GRS reserves the right to cancel the order and refund the purchase.","Terms.ProductsDamaged.p4":"If a damaged or non-working claim is not accepted by the supplier (i.e. product is working correctly, product damaged after delivery), GCodes Customer Service will work directly with the Purchaser to determine next steps including, but not limited to, coordinating reshipment and assignment of responsibility for incurred costs.","Incorrect Product Delivery":"Incorrect Product Delivery","Terms.IncorrecProduct.p1":"Purchaser must notify GCodes Customer Service of a return of incorrect products received within 10 business days from dispatch date. GCodes Customer Service will coordinate all aspects of the inquiry including communications with supplier. All GCode Customer Service order inquiry tickets for this scenario should include pictures of the product and packing slips.","Terms.IncorrectProduct.p2":"Upon receipt and verification of the incorrect product by supplier, the replacement order will be dispatched, subject to supplier availability of the original product. When applicable, return freight for both the return to the supplier and\/or for the replacement delivery, will be paid by GRS.","Terms.IncorrectProduct.p3":"If the original product is no longer available, GRS reserves the right to cancel the order and refund the purchase.","Terms.IncorrectProduct.p4":"If an incorrect product claim is not accepted by the supplier, GCodes Customer Service will work directly with the Purchaser to determine next steps including, but not limited to, coordinating reshipment and assignment of responsibility for incurred costs.","Product Not Received":"Product Not Received","Terms.ProductNotReceived.p1":"Purchaser must notify GRS of a non-receipt of a product within Ten (10) business days from notification of dispatch. Upon completion of a non-receipt of product inquiry, if proof of delivery from the supplier can be obtained by GRS, the proof of delivery will be provided to the Purchaser and the investigation will be closed. However, if proof of delivery from the supplier cannot be obtained by GRS, a replacement order will be processed.","Terms.ProductNotReceived.p2":"If the original product is no longer available, GRS reserves the right to cancel the order and refund the purchase.","Contact Information":"Contact Information","Terms.ContactInformation.p1":"If you have any questions, please contact:","Terms.ContactInformation.p2":"E-mail: info@g.codes","Terms.ContactInformation.p3":"Phone: +1 877 412 4695 (US & Canada Toll-Free)","Terms.ContactInformation.p4":"Mailing Address: Global Reward Solutions Inc. 38 Leek Crescent, 4th Floor, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada, L4B 4N8","Site Terms of Use Modifications":"Site Terms of Use Modifications","First Name":"First Name","Last Name":"Last Name","Telephone":"Telephone","Address 1":"Address 1","Address 2":"Address 2","City":"City","Country":"Country ","State\/Province":"State\/Province","Zip\/Postal Code":"Zip\/Postal Code","layout.login":"layout.login","Verification Code":"Verification Code","Change Password":"Change Password","Passwords must be at least 8 characters long.":"Passwords must be at least 8 characters long.","change_password.submit":"Change Password","Your account has not been activated.":"Your account has not been activated.","Resend Activation Email":"Resend Activation Email","Please enter a new password.":"Please enter a new password.","resetting.reset.submit":"Change password","Please enter your email address.":"Please enter your email address.","Please check your inbox for an email with further instruction.":"Please check your inbox for an email with further instruction.","You should receive it shortly.":"You should receive it shortly.","Need help? Please check your junk mail or":"Need help? Please check your junk mail or","contact support":"contact support","Back to Login":"Back to Login","Edit Profile":"Edit Profile","Please complete your profile to use your GCodes for \u201cInstant rewards, everywhere!\u201d<\/b>.<\/span>":"Please complete your profile to use your GCodes for \u201cInstant rewards, everywhere!\u201d<\/b>.<\/span>","Area Code":"Area Code","Language":"Language","Locale":"Locale","Use Google Authentication":"Use Google Authentication","profile.edit.submit":"Update","Please complete your profile to use your GCodes for":"Please complete your profile to use your GCodes for","\u201cInstant rewards, everywhere!\u201d":"\u201cInstant rewards, everywhere!\u201d","User list":"User list","No records found":"No records found","User Details":"User Details","Uuid":"Uuid","Yes":"yes","No":"no","Please check your email.":"Please check your email.","registration.check_email":"An email has been sent to %email%. It contains an activation link you must click to activate your account.","You have been sent a verification code to":"You have been sent a verification code to","Please check your email":"Please check your email","Need help? Please check your junk mail folder or":"Need help? Please check your junk mail folder or","Please enter your choice.":"Please enter your choice.","Resend Activation Code":"Resend Activation Code","Registration Confirmed":"Registration Confirmed","registration.confirmed":"Congrats %username%, your account is now activated.","registration.back":"Back to the originating page.","Already have an account?":"Already have an account?","form.password":"Password","form.password_confirmation":"Repeat Password","terms of service":"terms of service","I agree to the terms of service<\/a>":"I agree to the terms of service<\/a>","I agree to the GCodes":"I agree to the GCodes","fos_user.username.already_used":"The username is already used.","fos_user.username.blank":"Please enter a username.","fos_user.username.short":"The username is too short.","fos_user.username.long":"The username is too long.","fos_user.email.already_used":"Email already exists","fos_user.email.blank":"Please enter an email.","fos_user.email.short":"The email is too short.","fos_user.email.long":"The email is too long.","fos_user.email.invalid":"The email is not valid.","fos_user.password.blank":"Please enter a password.","fos_user.password.short":"The password is too short.","fos_user.password.mismatch":"The entered passwords don't match.","fos_user.new_password.blank":"Please enter a new password.","fos_user.new_password.short":"The new password is too short.","fos_user.current_password.invalid":"The entered password is invalid.","fos_user.group.blank":"Please enter a name.","fos_user.group.short":"The name is too short.","fos_user.group.long":"The name is too long.","fos_group.name.already_used":"The name is already used.","group.edit.submit":"Update group","group.show.name":"Group name","group.new.submit":"Create group","group.flash.updated":"The group has been updated.","group.flash.created":"The group has been created.","group.flash.deleted":"The group has been deleted.","security.login.username":"Username","security.login.password":"Password","security.login.remember_me":"Remember me","security.login.submit":"Log in","profile.show.username":"Username","profile.show.email":"Email","profile.flash.updated":"The profile has been updated.","change_password.flash.success":"The password has been changed.","registration.flash.user_created":"The user has been created successfully.","registration.email.subject":"Welcome %username%!","registration.email.message":"Hello %username%!\n\nTo finish activating your account - please visit %confirmationUrl%\n\nThis link can only be used once to validate your account.\n\nRegards,\nthe Team.\n","resetting.check_email":"An email has been sent. It contains a link you must click to reset your password.\nNote: You can only request a new password once within %tokenLifetime% hours.\n\nIf you don't get an email check your spam folder or try again.\n","resetting.request.username":"Username or email address","resetting.request.submit":"Reset password","resetting.flash.success":"The password has been reset successfully.","resetting.email.subject":"Reset Password","resetting.email.message":"Hello %username%!\n\nTo reset your password - please visit %confirmationUrl%\n\nRegards,\nthe Team.\n","layout.logout":"Log out","layout.register":"Register","layout.logged_in_as":"Logged in as %username%","form.group_name":"Group name","form.username":"Username","form.email":"Email","form.current_password":"Current Password","form.new_password":"New password","form.new_password_confirmation":"Repeat new password","Isue Gcode":"Isue Gcode","Attach MFA Device":"Attach MFA Device","Redeem a GCode":"Redeem a Gcode","to create your account.":"to create your account","Balance :":"Balance :","Date Of Code Is Expired.":"Date of Code is Expired.","Check Status":"Check Status","Manage Users":"Manage Users","Please enter your authentication code":"Please enter your authentication code","Having troubles?":"Having troubles?","Check code status":"Check code status","Status:":"Status:","by:":"by:","to:":"to:","Partner code balance:":"Partner code balance:","GCode:":"GCode:","Release code:":"Release code:","Release":"Release ","Code":"Code","Balance:":"Balance:","Enter":"Enter ","to Redeem":"to Redeem","Create New User":"Create New User","Create":"Create","You do not have access to this domain.":"You do not have access to this domain.","Invalid credentials.":"Invalid credentials.","Edit":"Edit","Create User":"Create User","Attached":"Attached","Google Authenticator App":"Google Authenticator App","Reset":"Reset","Remove":"Remove","Add MFA Device":"Add MFA Device","Please scan this with your Authenticator App":"Please scan this with your Authenticator App","Please enter authentication code":"Please enter authentication code","Add Device":"Add Device","Please complete your enrollment to continue!":"Please complete your enrollment to continue!","mfa.header1":"Our records show that you are not yet enrolled in the 2 Factor Authentication process. Please follow the steps below to complete your enrollment:","mfa.li1":"Ensure that you have an authenticator app installed on your smart phone. Recommended apps are: Google Authenticator, LastPass Authenticator, Authy App and Microsoft Authenticator.","mfa.li2":"Open the authenticator app and select one of the following options: 'Scan a barcode' or 'Enter Private Key'.","mfa.li3":"Scan the QR code presented below. If you chose the 'Private Key' option instead, type in the Private Key located below the QR code.","mfa.li4":"The authenticator app should now display an authentication code that can be used for verification.","mfa.li5":"Enter the latest passcode into the one-time authentication code field on this page.","mfa.li6":"Press 'Verify' to complete your enrollment and login.","contact support.":"contact support.","Attach 2FA Device":"Attach 2FA Device","Add 2FA Device":"Add 2FA Device","Please complete your profile.":"Please complete your profile.","Zip\/Postal.Code":"Zip\/Postal Code","Reason":"Reason","Import File":"Import File","Theme":"Theme","Password reset successfully.":"Password reset successfully.","Role":"Role","Statement on Privacy":"Statement on Privacy","Privacypolicy.statementOnPrivacy.p1":"Our organization takes great care to respect the privacy of the personal and corporate data contained within its systems. For this reason, we only collect and process data only for reasons and ways needed to provide our services to you. Your personal data includes information such as:","Privacypolicy.statementOnPrivacy.p3":"Email address","Privacypolicy.statementOnPrivacy.p4":"Mailing address","Privacypolicy.statementOnPrivacy.p6":"Other data collected that could directly or indirectly identify you","Privacypolicy.statementOnPrivacy.p7":"Our Privacy Policy is intended to describe to you how and what data we collect, and how and why we use your personal data. It also describes options we provide for you to access, update or otherwise take control of your personal data that we process.","Privacy Contact":"Privacy Contact","Privacypolicy.privacycontact.p1":"If you have questions about our policies or processes described below, please","Data Collection":"Data Collection","Privacypolicy.datacollection.p1":"We collect information so that we are able to deliver the best possible user experience on our platform(s). Much of this information is collected in the following ways:","Privacypolicy.datacollection.p2":"Account Creation or Modification - as done by you directly or by an organization that has enrolled you on our platform(s)","Privacypolicy.datacollection.p3":"Order Placement - when placing an order in our system that requires a delivery address or contact details","Privacypolicy.datacollection.p4":"Customer Service Inquiry - when contacting our support team to address an issue","Privacypolicy.datacollection.p5":"The information collected is structured to be at the bare minimum required to provide adequate services to our clients & users.","Privacypolicy.datacollection.p6":"Additionally, we do have other forms of data collection that may not be obvious:","Cookies":"Cookies","Privacypolicy.datacollection.cookies.p1":"These allow us to track browsing behaviour on our platforms. We make use of Google Analytics to provides us insight into site usage and overall performance from the end user perspective. No personal data is transferred to Google in this way and we do not make use of tracking beyond our platform(s)","Service Usage":"Service Usage","Privacypolicy.datacollection.serviceusage.p1":"Usage logs are automatically generated through all interactions with our services. These logs contain specific service usage, source IP addresses, site referral URLs, system performance, as well as browser, operating system, and device information.","Supplemental Data":"Supplemental Data","Privacypolicy.datacollection.supplementaldata.p1":"Upon enrolment your account may have been configured with additional details regarding your account and role within the enrolled program. This data is typically provided by the enrolling organization and typically consists of a job title and department. The information provided is typically pertinent to the type of program your organization is operating on our platform. Inquiries regarding this type of data should be forwarded to your own organization.","Data Usage":"Data Usage","Privacypolicy.datausage.p1":"While we collect a minimum amount of data on our users, we strictly process this data solely for the purposes of providing contracted services to the end user and client. Data is only used for purposes that:","Privacypolicy.datausage.p2":"for which we have been given permission","Privacypolicy.datausage.p3":"are necessary to deliver the Services you purchase or interact with, or","Privacypolicy.datausage.p4":"might be required or permitted for legal compliance or other lawful purposes","Privacypolicy.datausage.p5":"These uses include delivering, improving, updating and enhancing the Services we provide to you. We collect various information relating to your use and\/or interactions with our Services.","Privacypolicy.datausage.p6":"We utilize this information to:","Privacypolicy.datausage.p7":"Improve and optimize the operation and performance of our Services<\/b>, specifically our applications and customer service.","Privacypolicy.datausage.p8":"Diagnose problems<\/b> with and identify any security risks, errors or needed enhancements to the Services.","Privacypolicy.datausage.p9":"Detect and prevent fraud<\/b> and abuse of our Services and systems.","Privacypolicy.datausage.p10":"Collect aggregate statistics<\/b> about use of the Services.","Privacypolicy.datausage.p11":"Understand and analyze how you use our Services<\/b> and what features and products are most relevant to you.","Privacypolicy.datausage.p12":"Often, much of the data collected is aggregated or statistical data about how individuals use our Services, and is not linked to any personal data, but to the extent it is itself personal data, or is linked or linkable to personal data, we treat it accordingly","Data Sharing":"Data Sharing","Privacypolicy.datasharing.p1":"We may share your information with the following entities in order to provide you with service:","Privacypolicy.datasharing.p2":"Outsourced Call Center<\/b> - we may make use of an outsourced call center with contracted\r\ndedicated staff to provide 24\/7 customer service to our clients & users.","Privacypolicy.datasharing.p3":"Product Fulfilment<\/b> - in order to provide local fulfilment of reward orders we will provide your shipping details to a local supplier who will deliver goods to you.","Privacypolicy.datasharing.p4":"In all cases we ensure that our sub-processing partners provide the same level of security and privacy to your personal data that we provide.","Data Rights":"Data Rights","Data Access":"Data Access","Privacypolicy.datarights.dataaccess.p1":"You are permitted to request a report of the personal data contained on our platforms. To request a report, you may do any of the following:","Privacypolicy.datarights.dataaccess.p2":"Use the provided tools on the platform (if available) and generate the report on an as needed basis.","Privacypolicy.datarights.dataaccess.p3":"Contact your program administrator","Privacypolicy.datarights.dataaccess.p4":"Contact our customer service team directly and submit the request by way of phone or email (contact details should be provided with within your program)","Data Editing":"Data Editing","Privacypolicy.datarights.dataediting.p1":"You are permitted to update your user profile information at any time using the provided tools on platform(s). If you are unable to do so, please contact your local program administrator.","Data Deletion":"Data Deletion","Privacypolicy.datarights.datadeletion.p1":"You are permitted to request to delete your personal information from our platform. In doing so, we will be unable to provide any additional service to you as a customer. This will have the following consequences:","Privacypolicy.datarights.datadeletion.p2":"We will be unable to provide you with customer support regarding any placed orders:","Privacypolicy.datarights.datadeletion.p3":"Unable to handle any order status \/ delivery updates","Privacypolicy.datarights.datadeletion.p4":"Unable to handle any product returns","Privacypolicy.datarights.datadeletion.p5":"Unable to provide any refunds","Privacypolicy.datarights.datadeletion.p6":"Unable to provide any warranty proof-of-purchase","Privacypolicy.datarights.datadeletion.p7":"We will be unable to provide you with any historical account of your activities in the system.","Privacypolicy.datarights.datadeletion.p8":"We will be unable to reactivate your account and\/or reissue any terminated account balances","Privacypolicy.datarights.datadeletion.p9":"Similarly, to personal data reports, you may request to have your personal data removed from our platform(s) by any of the following ways:","Privacypolicy.datarights.datadeletion.p10":"Use the provided tools on the platform (if available) and trigger a deletion request","Privacypolicy.datarights.datadeletion.p11":"Contact your program administrator","Privacypolicy.datarights.datadeletion.p12":"Contact our customer service team directly and submit the request by way of phone or email (contact details should be provided with within your program)","Data Handling":"Data Handling","Data Security":"Data Security","Privacypolicy.datahandling.datasecurity.p1":"We follow generally accepted standards to store and protect the personal data we collect, both\r\nduring transmission and once received and stored, including utilization of encryption where\r\nAppropriate.","Data Retention":"Data Retention","Privacypolicy.datahandling.dataretention.p1":"We retain personal data only for as long as necessary to provide services and thereafter for a\r\nvariety of legitimate legal or business purposes. These might include retention periods:","Privacypolicy.datahandling.dataretention.p2":"Mandated by law, contract or similar obligations applicable to our business operations.","Privacypolicy.datahandling.dataretention.p3":"For preserving, resolving, defending or enforcing our legal\/contractual rights.","Privacypolicy.datahandling.dataretention.p4":"Needed to maintain adequate and accurate business and financial records.","Privacypolicy.datahandling.dataretention.p5":"If you have any questions about the security or retention of your personal data, please","Data Transfers Abroad":"Data Transfers Abroad","Privacypolicy.datahandling.datatransfersabroad.p1":"If you utilize our Services from a country other than the country where our servers are located,\r\nyour communications with us may result in transferring your personal data across international\r\nborders. Also, when you call us or initiate a chat, we may provide you with support from one of\r\nour global locations outside your country of origin. In these cases, your personal data is handled\r\naccording to this Privacy Policy.","Compliance with Legal, Regulatory and Law Enforcement Requests":"Compliance with Legal, Regulatory and Law Enforcement Requests","Privacypolicy.datahandling.compliancewithlegal.p1":"We cooperate with government and law enforcement officials and private parties to enforce and\r\ncomply with the law. We will disclose any information about you to government or law\r\nenforcement officials or private parties as we, in our sole discretion, believe necessary or\r\nappropriate to respond to claims and legal process (such as subpoena requests), to protect our\r\nproperty and rights or the property and rights of a third party, to protect the safety of the public\r\nor any person, or to prevent or stop activity we consider to be illegal or unethical.","Privacypolicy.datahandling.compliancewithlegal.p2":"To the extent we are legally permitted to do so, we will take reasonable steps to notify you in the\r\nevent that we are required to provide your personal information to third parties as part of legal\r\nProcess.","\u2018Do Not Track\u2019 Notifications":"\u2018Do Not Track\u2019 Notifications","Privacypolicy.datahandling.donottracknotifications.p1":"Some browsers allow you to automatically notify websites you visit not to track you using a \u201cDo\r\nNot Track\u201d signal. There is no consensus among industry participants as to what \u201cDo Not Track\u201d\r\nmeans in this context. Like many websites and online services, we currently do not alter our\r\npractices when we receive a \u201cDo Not Track\u201d signal from a visitor\u2019s browser. To find out more\r\nabout \u201cDo Not Track,\u201d you may wish to visit","Age Restrictions":"Age Restrictions","Privacypolicy.datahandling.agerestrictions.p1":"Our Services are available for purchase only for those over the age of 16. Our Services are not\r\ntargeted to, intended to be consumed by or designed to entice individuals under the age of 16. If\r\nyou know of or have reason to believe anyone under the age of 16 has provided us with any\r\npersonal data, please","Privacy Policy Changes":"Privacy Policy Changes","Privacypolicy.privacypolicychanges.p1":"We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. If we decide to change our Privacy\r\nPolicy, we will post those changes to this Privacy Policy and any other places we deem\r\nappropriate, so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what\r\ncircumstances, if any, we disclose it.","Order":"ORDER","Would you like to add %value% %currency% to your wallet now?":"Would you like to add %value% %currency% to your wallet now?","*Once added, you must activate this code before %expiry%.":"*Once added, you must activate this code before %expiry%.","**Any previous expiration dates will no longer apply.":"**Any previous expiration dates will no longer apply.","THANK YOU!":"THANK YOU!","Your request has been received.":"Your request has been received.","You will get an email with further instructions.":"You will get an email with further instructions.","Forgot password?":"Forgot password?","Sign up here":"Sign up here","Need an account?":"Need an account?","Privacy":"Privacy","reset_password":"Reset Password","parkgroup_congratulations":"Congratulations!","parkgroup_redeem_rewards":"Redeem now for great rewards.","parkgroup_code_value_currency":"%external_name% Balance: %value% %currency%","parkgroup_default_message":"If this is your first time redeeming a reward, please register a new account.","parkgroup_log_in":"Log in","parkgroup_register":"Register","incomm_congratulations":"Congratulations!","incomm_redeem_rewards":"Redeem now for great rewards.","incomm_code_value_currency":"%external_name% Balance: %value% %currency%","incomm_default_message":"If this is your first time redeeming a reward, please register a new account.","incomm_log_in":"Log in","incomm_register":"Register","raw_gcode_code_value_currency":"%external_name% Balance: %value% %currency%","FAQ":"FAQ","Frequently Asked Questions":"Frequently Asked Questions","MEMBER GUIDE":"MEMBER GUIDE","Your Account":"Your Account","How do I register an account with GCodes?":"How do I register an account with GCodes?","YourAccount.p1":"GCodes is currently invite only and you must receive a GCode before registering an account. If you would like to purchase GCodes, please contact %link_start%sales%link_end%.","How do I login to GCodes?":"How do I login to GCodes?","YourAccount.p2":"Before you can login to GCodes, you must add your first GCode to wallet (redeem) and register an account.","YourAccount.p3":"Note that your GCodes account is separate from the login info for the account from where you may have received the GCode.","How do I edit my profile?":"How do I edit my profile?","YourAccount.p4":"From the main menu, go to ACCOUNT > %link_start%My Profile%link_end% to update your account profile & settings.","How do I change my password?":"How do I change my password?","YourAccount.p5":"From the main menu, go to ACCOUNT > My Profile > %link_start%Change Password%link_end% to change your password.","I forgot my password. What do I do?":"I forgot my password. What do I do?","YourAccount.p6":"If you\u2019ve forgotten your password, you can click on the \u201cForgot password\u201d link on the %link_start%login page%link_end%. Input the email address that you used to register for a GCodes account. Once you receive a \u2018Reset Password\u2019 email, please follow the instructions provided.","YourAccount.p7.s1":"Note you will only receive a forgot password email if you have created a GCodes account. ","YourAccount.p7.s2":"If you do not receive an email within minutes, we were not able to locate an account matching the email address provided.","YourAccount.p8":"If you have any issues resetting your password, please contact %link_start%customer support%link_end%.","I\u2019ve registered with the wrong email address. How can I change this?":"I\u2019ve registered with the wrong email address. How can I change this?","YourAccount.p9":"If you\u2019ve registered an account with the wrong email address, you can update it by going to the main menu and clicking ACCOUNT > %link_start%My Profile%link_end%.","YourAccount.p10":"If you used the wrong email address and forgot your password, you can contact %link_start%customer support%link_end%. Please provide the redemption instructions you used to redeem your first GCode as proof of ownership.","Your Wallet":"Your Wallet","How do I redeem (Add GCodes to my Wallet)?":"How do I redeem (Add GCodes to my Wallet)?","YourWallet.p1":"You should receive instructions from the person who sent you a GCode. The instructions will either have a link to instantly \u201cAdd to Wallet\u201d or ask you to copy and paste the code into a redemption form.","YourWallet.p2":"If you are not logged in, the GCodes App will ask you to login or register an account before being able to add a GCode to your Wallet.","YourWallet.p3":"Once you\u2019ve successfully added a GCode to your Wallet, you\u2019ll see the option to \u2018Activate\u2019 your code for Points.","I am having issues redeeming my GCode. What do I do?":"I am having issues redeeming my GCode. What do I do?","YourWallet.p4":"If you\u2019re having issues redeeming a code, please contact customer support %link_start%here%link_end%. Ensure to provide a copy of the redemption instructions.","How do I activate my GCodes?":"How do I activate my GCodes?","YourWallet.p5":"From your GCodes Wallet, any GCode that needs to be activated will have the \u2018Activate\u2019 button beside it. Click \u2018Activate\u2019 to convert to monetary value into GCodes Points that can be used to shop the global shopping mall.","What is the difference between \u2018Redeemed\u2019 and \u2018Activated\u2019?":"What is the difference between \u2018Redeemed\u2019 and \u2018Activated\u2019?","YourWallet.p6":"When you receive a GCode, you must first click on \u2018Add to Wallet\u2019 to begin the redemption process. Your wallet will hold all codes that have been added (redeemed) to date. Once you\u2019ve successfully added a GCode, you must \u2018Activate\u2019 it which converts the monetary value into GCodes Points. From your wallet, you will see your \u2018Points Balance\u2019 increase when the GCode is activated.","How do I earn GCode points?":"How do I earn GCode points?","YourWallet.p7":"As you activate GCodes, the monetary value is converted to GCodes Points which can be used to shop our global shopping mall.","How can I view my points history?":"How can I view my points history?","YourWallet.p8":"To see your points history, from the main menu click ACCOUNT > %link_start%Points History%link_end%. Here you can see any a history of all your point transactions including codes that were added (redeemed), activated or expired and any purchases from the GCodes shopping mall.","How do I see my points balance?":"How do I see my points balance?","YourWallet.p9":"From your wallet, you can see how many points you have available to shop the gallery under \u2018Points Balance\u2019. Your points balance is made up of \u2018Activated\u2019 codes minus the value of points already used to shop.","Do my GCodes expire?":"Do my GCodes expire?","YourWallet.p10":"GCodes must be activated within 90 days of generation. You can check the expiration date by clicking on the GCode in the Wallet.","How can I tell if my GCodes have expired?":"How can I tell if my GCodes have expired?","YourWallet.p11":"In the GCodes Wallet, expired GCodes will show \u2018Expired\u2019 instead of an activation button.","Do my GCodes Points expire?":"Do my GCodes Points expire?","YourWallet.p12":"Once a GCode is activated, you have 365 days to spend the corresponding GCodes Points in the shopping mall.","How can I tell if my GCodes Points have expired?":"How can I tell if my GCodes Points have expired?","YourWallet.p13":"From the main menu, go to ACCOUNT > %link_start%Points History%link_end% to see when your points were activated, and if any have expired.","Shop the Gallery":"Shop the Gallery","How do I access the gallery?":"How do I access the gallery?","ShopTheGallery.p1":"You can access the gallery from the main menu > %link_start%SHOP%link_end%, and from your wallet by going to \u2018%link_start%Shop Now%link_end%\u2019. From there, pick the rewards category you wish to browse. ","How do I add rewards to my cart?":"How do I add rewards to my cart?","ShopTheGallery.p2":"Every reward in the gallery will have an \u2018Add to cart\u2019 option. This will automatically add the reward to your cart and show you the cart total.","How can I see what items have been added to my cart?":"How can I see what items have been added to my cart?","ShopTheGallery.p3":"You can access your shopping cart from the main menu > SHOP > %link_start%View Cart%link_end%. Once you\u2019re in your cart, you can update the items you\u2019ve selected.","What is Dream Tracker?":"What is Dream Tracker?","ShopTheGallery.p4":"Dream Tracker allows you to bookmark rewards and track the percentage of points remaining before you can purchase. Dream Tracker will automatically notify you via email when you have enough points for the reward.","How do I checkout when the reward is worth more than the points I have available?":"How do I checkout when the reward is worth more than the points I have available?","ShopTheGallery.p5":"If you don\u2019t have enough points to complete a purchase, you can pay the difference with PayPal or credit card.","How can I view my orders?":"How can I view my orders?","ShopTheGallery.p6":"If you wish to see your past orders, or see the status of a current order go to ACCOUNT from the main menu > %link_start%My Orders%link_end%. From here, you can filter your order history by date.","Returns":"Returns","Can I return any rewards purchased with GCodes?":"Can I return any rewards purchased with GCodes?","Returns.p1":"Rewards purchased through the GCodes shopping mall are final sale with the exception of damaged or incorrectly shipped goods.","Returns.p2":"If you have an issue with your delivery, please %link_start_support%contact support%link_end_support% right away as there is a limit on how long you have to claim damages. Please see the full %link_start_terms%terms and conditions%link_end_terms% for more information on our shipping & returns policy.","Customer Support":"customer support","How do I contact support?":"How do I contact support?","CustomerSupport.p1":"You can send any inquiries through our support form, always available on the footer of the app. Otherwise, go directly to %link_start%support%link_end%.","How are you collecting my information?":"How are you collecting my information?","CustomerSupport.p2":"Please see our latest %link_start%privacy policy%link_end%, and scroll to \u2018Data Collection\u2019 to understand when and how we collect any information.","How do I submit a request to have my data removed?":"How do I submit a request to have my data removed?","CustomerSupport.p3":"If you wish to have any of your data removed, please send an inquiry through our %link_start%support form%link_end%. Please choose \u2018Privacy Policy Inquiry\u2019 in the form.","ADMIN GUIDE":"ADMIN GUIDE","ORDER AND ISSUE CODES":"ORDER AND ISSUE CODES","How do I buy & send GCodes?":"How do I buy & send GCodes?","Admin.OrderIssue.p1":"There are three ways you can order GCodes:","Admin.OrderIssue.p2":"Bulk Buy using the \u2018Order GCodes\u2019 form.","Admin.OrderIssue.p3":"From the main menu, click ADMIN > Buy GCodes > Order GCodes.","Admin.OrderIssue.p4":"This form allows you to bulk buy GCodes for a single currency and value. Issuance can be done manually, at a later date.","Admin.OrderIssue.p5":"When an order is placed, a receipt and details of the transaction are emailed to you.","Admin.OrderIssue.p6":"On the transaction details, you are able to download a CSV file of the codes ordered.","Admin.OrderIssue.p7":"GCodes that are bulk bought can be sent one-by-one by clicking \u201cSend GCode\u201d in the GCodes summary attached to a transaction.","Admin.OrderIssue.p8":"Instantly order & send using the Issuance Importer.","Admin.OrderIssue.p9":"From the main menu, click ADMIN > Buy GCodes > Issuance Importer.","Admin.OrderIssue.p10":"The importer allows you to order and issue GCodes of various currencies and values at a single time using a CSV file.","Admin.OrderIssue.p11":"Click on \u2018Download Import Template\u2019 for a template of the excel file, and fill out all fields.","Admin.OrderIssue.p12":"Upload your completed document through the \u2018Import File\u2019 section.","Admin.OrderIssue.p13":"Click on \u2018Validate File\u2019.","Admin.OrderIssue.p14":"When validated, your orders will be issued to members instantly.","Admin.OrderIssue.p15":"When you\u2019ve successfully placed your order, you will receive a \u2018successful bulk import email\u2019, and your order receipt detailing the transaction.","Admin.OrderIssue.p16":"Instantly order & send individual codes.","Admin.OrderIssue.p17":"From the main menu, click ADMIN > Send GCodes.","Admin.OrderIssue.p18":"Enter the information for the receiver and click send!","Admin.OrderIssue.p19":"For every successful transaction, you will receive an email with order details.","How do I send GCodes to users that already exist?":"How do I send GCodes to users that already exist?","Admin.OrderIssue.p20":"From the main menu, click ADMIN > Manage Users.","Admin.OrderIssue.p21":"Find the member you wish to send a GCode to from your user list.","Admin.OrderIssue.p22":"Click the \u2018Send GCodes\u2019 button.","Admin.OrderIssue.p23":"Complete the form and click send.","ACCOUNT DETAILS":"ACCOUNT DETAILS","How can I see what my account balance is?":"How can I see what my account balance is?","Admin.AccountDetails.p1":"You can view your account balance listed at the top of your \u2018Transactions page from ADMIN > Transactions.","How can I see my transaction history?":"How can I see my transaction history?","Admin.AccountDetails.p2":"For a detailed view of your transaction history, go to ADMIN > Transactions. From here, you see a list of all your past transactions ordered from latest at the top. To access the \u2018Transaction Details\u2019 page, click on the date of a past order.","Admin.AccountDetails.p3":"You can export your transaction history into an excel file for your records.","How can I manage users?":"How can I manage users?","Admin.AccountDetails.p4":"To access your user list go to ADMIN > Manage Users. From here you can create, update and reset passwords for your users.","How can I check the status of a GCode?":"How can I check the status of a GCode?","Admin.CheckCodeStatus.p1":"To check the status of a GCode, go to the GCode details page by navigating to:","Admin.CheckCodeStatus.p2":"https:\/\/app.g.codes\/admin\/gcodes\/[GCODE-KEY].","Admin.CheckCodeStatus.p3":"Or you find the GCode by going to your transaction history and selecting the order for the GCode. You can also export the list of GCodes from the transaction history page.","FOR Code Exchange PARTNERS":"FOR Code Exchange PARTNERS","Admin.CodeExchangePartners.p1":"To check the status of a code, go to https:\/\/[partner-domain]\/admin\/gcodes\/check\/status.","Admin.CodeExchangePartners.p2":"Enter the code, and click \u2018Check Status\u2019.","Admin.CodeExchangePartners.p3":"If the Partner Code was redeemed, but a GCode was not generated, you can refund the code on the check status tool by clicking \u201crelease code\u201d. This will allow the users to try to redeem it again.","Email address":"Email address","Username":"Username","How do I add GCodes to my Wallet (Redeem)?":"How do I add GCodes to my Wallet (Redeem)?","I am having issues adding a GCode to my Wallet. What do I do?":"I am having issues adding a GCode to my Wallet. What do I do?","What is the difference between 'Add to Wallet' (Redeemed) and \u2018Activated\u2019?":"What is the difference between 'Add to Wallet' (Redeemed) and \u2018Activated\u2019?","%GCodeValue% GCode added to your account.":"%GCodeValue% GCode added to your account.","Permission denied":"Permission denied","The verification code is not valid":"The verification code is not valid","Invalid Code":"Invalid Code","Invalid partner code":"Invalid partner code","Thank you for your order!":"Thank you for your order!","GCode issued to":"GCode issued to","GCode redemption email sent to":"GCode redemption email sent to","User created successfully.":"User created successfully.","Email Sent":"Email Sent","Email.sent":"Email sent","GCodes is not available in your region ":"GCodes is not available in your region ","Please enter verification code":"Please enter verification code","device added successfully":"device added successfully","Invalid code redemption partner":"Invalid code redemption partner","Invalid confirmation token.":"Invalid confirmation token.","support.name":"Name","support.email":"Email","support.reason":"Reason","support.reason.support":"Technical Support","support.reason.inquiry":"Order Inqury","support.reason.feedback":"General Feedback","support.reason.privacy":"Privacy Policy Inqury","Activating...":"Activating...","points added to your point balance.":"points added to your point balance.","Support request successfully sent.":"Support request successfully sent.","support.reason.remove":"Remove My Personal Data","Type to Search Country":"Type to Search Country","Select Currency":"Select Currency","Select Language":"Select Language","Preview Gallery":"Preview Gallery","Invalid Country Entered":"Invalid Country Entered","Combination of Country Code: %GCountryCode% and Language: %GLangCode% is not currently supported - Please try a different combination":"Combination of Country Code: %GCountryCode% and Language: %GLangCode% is not currently supported - Please try a different combination","Logging In...":"Logging In...","Password":"Password","All Rights Reserved.":"All Rights Reserved.","is a registered trademark of":"is a registered trademark of","Global Reward Solutions Inc.":"Global Reward Solutions Inc.","Please enter your code":"Please enter your code","Repeat Password":"Repeat Password","Registering...":"Registering...","Code Balance":"Code Balance","Once added, you must activate this code before":"Once added, you must activate this code before","POWERED BY":"POWERED BY","Would you like to add":"Would you like to add","to your wallet now?":"to your wallet now?","Pending Approval":"Pending Approval","The password must contain at least: 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number, and one special character (E.g. & ? %)":"The password must contain at least: 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number, and one special character (E.g. & ? %)","The passwords do not match":"The passwords do not match","Resetting...":"Resetting...","New Password":"New Password","Sending Request...":"Sending Request...","Request Reset":"Request Reset","Captcha Validation Failed":"Captcha Validation Failed","Password request has expired":"Password request has expired","User could not be found":"User could not be found","User is not enabled":"User is not enabled","User is unregistered":"User is unregistered","User's account has been locked":"User's account has been locked","Could not find user from confirmation token":"Could not find user from confirmation token","Orders":"Orders","Sign Out":"Sign Out","Technical Support":"Technical Support","Order Inquiry":"Order Inquiry","General Feedback":"General Feedback","Privacy Policy Inquiry":"Privacy Policy Inquiry","GCodes is currently invite only and you must receive a GCode before registering an account. If you would like to purchase GCodes, please contact":"GCodes is currently invite only and you must receive a GCode before registering an account. If you would like to purchase GCodes, please contact","sales":"sales","Before you can login to GCodes, you must add your first GCode to wallet (redeem) and register an account.":"Before you can login to GCodes, you must add your first GCode to wallet (redeem) and register an account.","Note that your GCodes account is separate from the login info for the account from where you may have received the GCode.":"Note that your GCodes account is separate from the login info for the account from where you may have received the GCode.","From the main menu, go to Account":"From the main menu, go to Account","to update your account profile settings":"to update your account profile settings","From the main menu, go to":"From the main menu, go to","to change your password.":"to change your password.","login page":"login page","Note you will only receive a forgot password email if you have created a GCodes account.":"Note you will only receive a forgot password email if you have created a GCodes account.","If you do not receive an email within minutes, we were not able to locate an account matching the email address provided.":"If you do not receive an email within minutes, we were not able to locate an account matching the email address provided.","If you have any issues resetting your password, please contact":"If you have any issues resetting your password, please contact","If you used the wrong email address and forgot your password, you can contact":"If you used the wrong email address and forgot your password, you can contact","Please provide the redemption instructions you used to redeem your first GCode as proof of ownership.":"Please provide the redemption instructions you used to redeem your first GCode as proof of ownership.","How do I add GCodes to my Wallet?":"How do I add GCodes to my Wallet?","Ensure to provide a copy of the redemption instructions.":"Ensure to provide a copy of the redemption instructions.","What is the difference between Add to Wallet and Activated?":"What is the difference between Add to Wallet and Activated?","To see your points history, from the main menu click Account":"To see your points history, from the main menu click Account","Here you can see any a history of all your point transactions including codes that were added (redeemed), activated or expired and any purchases from the GCodes shopping mall.":"Here you can see any a history of all your point transactions including codes that were added (redeemed), activated or expired and any purchases from the GCodes shopping mall.","GCodes must be activated within 90 days of generation. You can check the expiration date by clicking on the GCode in the Wallet.":"GCodes must be activated within 90 days of generation. You can check the expiration date by clicking on the GCode in the Wallet.","Once a GCode is activated, you have 365 days to spend the corresponding GCodes Points in the shopping mall.":"Once a GCode is activated, you have 365 days to spend the corresponding GCodes Points in the shopping mall.","to see when your points were activated, and if any have expired.":"to see when your points were activated, and if any have expired.","You can access the gallery from the main menu":"You can access the gallery from the main menu","and from your wallet by going to":"and from your wallet by going to","From there, pick the rewards category you wish to browse.":"From there, pick the rewards category you wish to browse.","You can access your shopping cart from the main menu":"You can access your shopping cart from the main menu","Dream Tracker allows you to bookmark rewards and track the percentage of points remaining before you can purchase. Dream Tracker will automatically notify you via email when you have enough points for the reward.":"Dream Tracker allows you to bookmark rewards and track the percentage of points remaining before you can purchase. Dream Tracker will automatically notify you via email when you have enough points for the reward.","If you wish to see your past orders, or see the status of a current order go to Account from the main menu":"If you wish to see your past orders, or see the status of a current order go to Account from the main menu","From here, you can filter your order history by date.":"From here, you can filter your order history by date.","Rewards purchased through the GCodes shopping mall are final sale with the exception of damaged or incorrectly shipped goods.":"Rewards purchased through the GCodes shopping mall are final sale with the exception of damaged or incorrectly shipped goods.","If you have an issue with your delivery, please":"If you have an issue with your delivery, please","right away as there is a limit on how long you have to claim damages. Please see the full":"right away as there is a limit on how long you have to claim damages. Please see the full","terms and conditions":"Terms and Conditions","for more information on our shipping & returns policy.":"for more information on our shipping & returns policy.","ADD TO WALLET":"ADD TO WALLET","ENTER CODE HERE":"ENTER CODE HERE","Switch Wallet":"Switch Wallet","Admin Menu":"Admin Menu","Please select one of the following options":"Please select one of the following options","Loss Prevention":"Loss Prevention","decimal":"decimal","GCode monetary value":"GCode monetary value","string":"string","GCode Currency Code (ISO-4217)":"GCode Currency Code (ISO-4217)","Receiver first name":"Receiver first name","Receiver last name":"Receiver last name","Receiver area code":"Receiver Area Code","Receiver phone number":"Receiver phone number","Receiver address 1":"Receiver Address 1","Receiver city":"Receiver city","GCode country (ISO ALPHA-2 Code)":"GCode country (ISO ALPHA-2 Code)","Area":"Area","GCode state (ISO ALPHA-2 Code)":"GCode state (ISO ALPHA-2 Code)","Do you want us to send an email? (1 or 0)":"Do you want us to send an email? (1 or 0)","Message for recipient":"Message for recipient","(a) Any losses related to or arising out of the GCodes prior to the transmission of the GCodes to the Client shall be the sole responsibility of the GCode application":"(a) Any losses related to or arising out of the GCodes prior to the transmission of the GCodes to the Client shall be the sole responsibility of the GCode application","Phone":"Phone","Update Account Details":"Update Account Details","Current Password":"Current Password","I forgot my password, what do I do?":"I forgot my password, what do I do?","If you have forgotten your password, you can click on the Forgot":"If you have forgotten your password, you can click on the Forgot","I have registered with the wrong email address. How can I change this?":"I have registered with the wrong email address. How can I change this?","If you have registered an account with the wrong email address, you can update it by going to the main menu and clicking Account":"If you have registered an account with the wrong email address, you can update it by going to the main menu and clicking Account","You should receive instructions from the person who sent you a GCode. The instructions will either have a link to instantly Add to Wallet or ask you to copy and paste the code into a redemption form.":"You should receive instructions from the person who sent you a GCode. The instructions will either have a link to instantly Add to Wallet or ask you to copy and paste the code into a redemption form.","Once you have successfully added a GCode to your Wallet, you will see the option to Activate your code for Points.":"Once you have successfully added a GCode to your Wallet, you will see the option to Activate your code for Points.","If you are not logged in, the GCodes App will ask you to login or register an account before being able to add a GCode to your Wallet.":"If you are not logged in, the GCodes App will ask you to login or register an account before being able to add a GCode to your Wallet.","If you are having issues redeeming a code, please contact customer support":"If you are having issues redeeming a code, please contact customer support","As you activate GCodes, the monetary value is converted to GCodes Points which can be used to shop our global shopping mall.":"As you activate GCodes, the monetary value is converted to GCodes Points which can be used to shop our global shopping mall.","From your wallet, you can see how many points you have available to shop the gallery under Points Balance. Your points balance is made up of Activated codes minus the value of points already used to shop.":"From your wallet, you can see how many points you have available to shop the gallery under Points Balance. Your points balance is made up of Activated codes minus the value of points already used to shop.","In the GCodes Wallet, expired GCodes will show Expired instead of an activation button.":"In the GCodes Wallet, expired GCodes will show Expired instead of an activation button.","Every reward in the gallery will have an Add to cart option. This will automatically add the reward to your cart and show you the cart total.":"Every reward in the gallery will have an Add to cart option. This will automatically add the reward to your cart and show you the cart total.","Once you are in your cart, you can update the items you have selected.":"Once you are in your cart, you can update the items you have selected.","If you do not have enough points to complete a purchase, you can pay the difference with PayPal or credit card.":"If you do not have enough points to complete a purchase, you can pay the difference with PayPal or credit card.","You can send any inquiries through our support form, always available on the footer of the app. Otherwise, go directly to":"You can send any inquiries through our support form, always available on the footer of the app. Otherwise, go directly to","Please see our latest":"Please see our latest","and scroll to Data Collection to understand when and how we collect any information.":"and scroll to Data Collection to understand when and how we collect any information.","If you wish to have any of your data removed, please send an inquiry through our":"If you wish to have any of your data removed, please send an inquiry through our","Please choose Privacy Policy Inquiry in the form.":"Please choose Privacy Policy Inquiry in the form.","If you have forgotten your password, you can click on the Forgot Password link on the":"If you have forgotten your password, you can click on the Forgot Password link on the","Input the email address that you used to register for a GCodes account. Once you receive a Reset Password email, please follow the instructions provided.":"Input the email address that you used to register for a GCodes account. Once you receive a Reset Password email, please follow the instructions provided.","Here":"Here","Support Form":"Support Form","When you receive a GCode, you must first click on Add to Wallet to begin the redemption process.":"When you receive a GCode, you must first click on Add to Wallet to begin the redemption process.","Your wallet will hold all codes that have been added or redeemed to date.":"Your wallet will hold all codes that have been added or redeemed to date.","Once you have successfully added a GCode, you must activate it which converts the monetary value into GCodes Points.":"Once you have successfully added a GCode, you must activate it which converts the monetary value into GCodes Points.","From your wallet, you will see your Points Balance increase when the GCode is activated.":"From your wallet, you will see your Points Balance increase when the GCode is activated.","From your GCodes Wallet, any GCode that needs to be activated will have the Activate button beside it. Click Activate to convert to monetary value into GCodes Points that can be used to shop the global shopping mall.":"From your GCodes Wallet, any GCode that needs to be activated will have the Activate button beside it. Click Activate to convert to monetary value into GCodes Points that can be used to shop the global shopping mall.","Shopping":"Shopping","Re-enter Password":"Re-enter Password","Receiver Email":"Receiver Email","Receiver country code":"Receiver country code","Receiver address 2":"Receiver address 2","Receiver postal code":"Receiver postal code","Theme Key":"Theme Key","Boolean":"Boolean","By accessing GCodes, you are agreeing to be bound by these website Terms and Conditions of Use, all applicable laws and regulations, and agree that you are responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws.":"By accessing GCodes, you are agreeing to be bound by these website Terms and Conditions of Use, all applicable laws and regulations, and agree that you are responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws.","If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing this site.":"If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing this site.","The materials contained in this website are protected by applicable copyright and trade mark law.":"The materials contained in this website are protected by applicable copyright and trade mark law.","If you have any questions regarding these terms and conditions, please contact GCodes Customer Service at":"If you have any questions regarding these terms and conditions, please contact GCodes Customer Service at","Permission is granted to temporarily download one copy of the materials (information or software) of the website for personal, non-commercial transitory viewing only.":"Permission is granted to temporarily download one copy of the materials (information or software) of the website for personal, non-commercial transitory viewing only.","This is the grant of a license, not a transfer of title, and under this license you may not:":"This is the grant of a license, not a transfer of title, and under this license you may not:","Modify or copy the materials":"Modify or copy the materials","Use the materials for any commercial purpose, or for any public display (commercial or non-commercial)":"Use the materials for any commercial purpose, or for any public display (commercial or non-commercial)","Attempt to decompile or reverse engineer any software contained on Carlton Group Ltd.'s web site":"Attempt to decompile or reverse engineer any software contained on Carlton Group Ltd.'s web site","Remove any copyright or other proprietary notations from the materials":"Remove any copyright or other proprietary notations from the materials","Transfer the materials to another person or mirror the materials on any other server.":"Transfer the materials to another person or mirror the materials on any other server.","GCodes and the materials on the website are provided 'as is'.":"GCodes and the materials on the website are provided 'as is'.","Further, GRS does not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely results, or reliability of the use of the materials on its website or otherwise relating to such materials or on any sites linked to this site.":"Further, GRS does not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely results, or reliability of the use of the materials on its website or otherwise relating to such materials or on any sites linked to this site.","Upon terminating your viewing of these materials or upon the termination of this license, you must destroy any downloaded materials in your possession whether in electronic or printed format.":"Upon terminating your viewing of these materials or upon the termination of this license, you must destroy any downloaded materials in your possession whether in electronic or printed format.","GRS makes no warranties, expressed or implied, and hereby disclaims and negates all other warranties,":"GRS makes no warranties, expressed or implied, and hereby disclaims and negates all other warranties,","including without limitation, implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose,":"including without limitation, implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose,","or non-infringement of intellectual property or other violation of rights.":"or non-infringement of intellectual property or other violation of rights.","In no event shall GRS or its suppliers be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of data or profit, or due to business interruption,) arising out of the use or inability to use of GCodes or the materials on the website,":"In no event shall GRS or its suppliers be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of data or profit, or due to business interruption,) arising out of the use or inability to use of GCodes or the materials on the website,","even if GRS or a GRS authorized representative has been notified orally or in writing of the possibility of such damage.":"even if GRS or a GRS authorized representative has been notified orally or in writing of the possibility of such damage.","Because some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on implied warranties, or limitations of liability for consequential or incidental damages, these limitations may not apply to you.":"Because some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on implied warranties, or limitations of liability for consequential or incidental damages, these limitations may not apply to you.","The materials appearing on GCodes or the website could include technical, typographical, or photographic errors.":"The materials appearing on GCodes or the website could include technical, typographical, or photographic errors.","GRS does not warrant that any of the materials on GCodes or the website are accurate, complete, or current.":"GRS does not warrant that any of the materials on GCodes or the website are accurate, complete, or current.","GRS may make changes to the materials contained on GCodes or the website at any time without notice.":"GRS may make changes to the materials contained on GCodes or the website at any time without notice.","GRS does not, however, make any commitment to update the materials.":"GRS does not, however, make any commitment to update the materials.","GRS has not reviewed all of the sites linked to GCodes or its website and is not responsible for the contents of any such linked site.":"GRS has not reviewed all of the sites linked to GCodes or its website and is not responsible for the contents of any such linked site.","The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by GRS of the site.":"The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by GRS of the site.","Use of any such linked website is at the user's own risk.":"Use of any such linked website is at the user's own risk.","GRS may revise these terms of use for GCodes and its website at any time without notice.":"GRS may revise these terms of use for GCodes and its website at any time without notice.","By using GCodes or its website you are agreeing to be bound by the then current version of these Terms of Use.":"By using GCodes or its website you are agreeing to be bound by the then current version of these Terms of Use.","Any claim relating to GCodes or its website shall be governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario without regard to its conflict of law provisions.":"Any claim relating to GCodes or its website shall be governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario without regard to its conflict of law provisions.","Gcodes are valid only for purchases from website.":"Gcodes are valid only for purchases from website.","Use of GCodes requires an active GCodes account and prior acceptance of Terms and Conditions.":"Use of GCodes requires an active GCodes account and prior acceptance of Terms and Conditions.","GRS reserves the right to deactivate or reject any GCode issued or procured, directly or indirectly in connection with fraudulent actions, unless prohibited by law.":"GRS reserves the right to deactivate or reject any GCode issued or procured, directly or indirectly in connection with fraudulent actions, unless prohibited by law.","GRS is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from lost or stolen GCodes or for use without permission.":"GRS is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from lost or stolen GCodes or for use without permission.","GCodes must be activated and converted into GCodes gallery points within ninety (90) days of initial purchase.":"GCodes must be activated and converted into GCodes gallery points within ninety (90) days of initial purchase.","GCodes gallery points must be spent within three hundred and sixty-five (365) days of creation.":"GCodes gallery points must be spent within three hundred and sixty-five (365) days of creation.","GCodes Customer Service product order inquiry support requests are to be submitted through https:\/\/app.g.codes\/support using the Order Inquiry option.":"GCodes Customer Service product order inquiry support requests are to be submitted through https:\/\/app.g.codes\/support using the Order Inquiry option.","GCodes Customer Service is available 24\/7, exclusive of Ontario, Canada statutory holidays, and is provided in English, French, and Spanish.":"GCodes Customer Service is available 24\/7, exclusive of Ontario, Canada statutory holidays, and is provided in English, French, and Spanish.","GCodes gallery product point values are subject to change without notice.":"GCodes gallery product point values are subject to change without notice.","In the event of an erroneously published product point value, GRS reserves the right to cancel the product order and refund the purchase.":"In the event of an erroneously published product point value, GRS reserves the right to cancel the product order and refund the purchase.","GCodes gallery points used to purchase products include all applicable costs when applicable: sales tax, shipping\/freight costs, handling costs, service charges, environmental levies, or other applicable fees.":"GCodes gallery points used to purchase products include all applicable costs when applicable: sales tax, shipping\/freight costs, handling costs, service charges, environmental levies, or other applicable fees.","Purchaser is responsible for ensuring all product orders are complete with all required fulfillment data, which may vary by country and\/or product offering":"Purchaser is responsible for ensuring all product orders are complete with all required fulfillment data, which may vary by country and\/or product offering","(i.e. local address information, mobile phone number per supplier delivery requirements, personal identification per national legal requirements).":"(i.e. local address information, mobile phone number per supplier delivery requirements, personal identification per national legal requirements).","If the required fulfillment details are not accepted by the supplier, including incorrect or missing address details or mandatory data, the GCodes Customer Service team will contact the Purchaser for incorrect\/incomplete fulfillment details.":"If the required fulfillment details are not accepted by the supplier, including incorrect or missing address details or mandatory data, the GCodes Customer Service team will contact the Purchaser for incorrect\/incomplete fulfillment details.","If the requested fulfillment details are not provided by the Purchaser by the end of the third full business day, Global Reward Solutions Inc reserves the right to cancel the product order and refund the purchase.":"If the requested fulfillment details are not provided by the Purchaser by the end of the third full business day, Global Reward Solutions Inc reserves the right to cancel the product order and refund the purchase.","P.O. Box or APO addresses are not to be provided during the checkout process.":"P.O. Box or APO addresses are not to be provided during the checkout process.","If provided, GRS reserves the right to cancel the product order and refund the purchase.":"If provided, GRS reserves the right to cancel the product order and refund the purchase.","Shipping address changes are not permitted.":"Shipping address changes are not permitted.","Final delivery will be made to the address accepted during the product order check out process.":"Final delivery will be made to the address accepted during the product order check out process.","Cross border delivery for product orders is not permitted.":"Cross border delivery for product orders is not permitted.","Product Orders will be rejected if the country specified during the check out process is not supported by all items within the cart.":"Product Orders will be rejected if the country specified during the check out process is not supported by all items within the cart.","Oversized physical products and remote delivery locations (rural or remote communities) are subject to supplier terms and availability.":"Oversized physical products and remote delivery locations (rural or remote communities) are subject to supplier terms and availability.","Due to varying delivery options and timing, additional delivery time and charges may apply.":"Due to varying delivery options and timing, additional delivery time and charges may apply.","Purchaser acknowledges all purchases will adhere to local laws, including age of majority where applicable.":"Purchaser acknowledges all purchases will adhere to local laws, including age of majority where applicable.","Additional GCodes gallery points may be purchased through a secure PayPal account to cover the difference between the Purchaser's GCodes gallery point balance and the cost of the item(s).":"Additional GCodes gallery points may be purchased through a secure PayPal account to cover the difference between the Purchaser's GCodes gallery point balance and the cost of the item(s).","Purchaser's personal credit card or banking information is not collected, saved or stored by GCodes.":"Purchaser's personal credit card or banking information is not collected, saved or stored by GCodes.","Physical product orders will be shipped using standard ground delivery methods.":"Physical product orders will be shipped using standard ground delivery methods.","All physical product orders will be dispatched within fifteen (15) business days, excluding public holidays or postal\/courier disruptions.":"All physical product orders will be dispatched within fifteen (15) business days, excluding public holidays or postal\/courier disruptions.","Larger physical products, white goods such as ovens, washing machines and refrigerators are delivered via common carrier.":"Larger physical products, white goods such as ovens, washing machines and refrigerators are delivered via common carrier.","If the purchased physical product requires delivery by this method, Purchaser may be contacted to arrange delivery and to clarify upper-level or lower-level dwelling details.":"If the purchased physical product requires delivery by this method, Purchaser may be contacted to arrange delivery and to clarify upper-level or lower-level dwelling details.","Delivery times may vary for orders consisting of multiple items and delivery must be accepted as products become available.":"Delivery times may vary for orders consisting of multiple items and delivery must be accepted as products become available.","Set up, installation and removal services are not included.":"Set up, installation and removal services are not included.","All physical product deliveries must be carefully inspected upon receipt.":"All physical product deliveries must be carefully inspected upon receipt.","Issue(s) with the delivery must be brought to the attention of the delivery personnel and delivery may be refused if the product is not the correct product or appears to be damaged.":"Issue(s) with the delivery must be brought to the attention of the delivery personnel and delivery may be refused if the product is not the correct product or appears to be damaged.","Online travel, digital media codes, mobile top-up, ebooks, and digital merchant gift card codes may be displayed upon completion of order.":"Online travel, digital media codes, mobile top-up, ebooks, and digital merchant gift card codes may be displayed upon completion of order.","If not presented upon completion of order, the details of the virtual product order will be emailed within six hours or as noted within the reward description.":"If not presented upon completion of order, the details of the virtual product order will be emailed within six hours or as noted within the reward description.","Terms and Conditions for Travel and Event Ticket offering purchases are presented at check-out and must be accepted to complete the booking.":"Terms and Conditions for Travel and Event Ticket offering purchases are presented at check-out and must be accepted to complete the booking.","If an ordered product becomes unavailable from the supplier, GRS reserves the right to cancel the order and refund the purchase.":"If an ordered product becomes unavailable from the supplier, GRS reserves the right to cancel the order and refund the purchase.","All GCode gallery product purchases are final and cannot be returned, exchanged, or cancelled, unless one of the following applies: product defect, or the incorrect product delivery.":"All GCode gallery product purchases are final and cannot be returned, exchanged, or cancelled, unless one of the following applies: product defect, or the incorrect product delivery.","Purchaser must notify GCodes Customer Service of any returns of damaged or non-working condition products within Ten (10) business days from dispatch date.":"Purchaser must notify GCodes Customer Service of any returns of damaged or non-working condition products within Ten (10) business days from dispatch date.","GCodes Customer Service will coordinate all aspects of the return, including collection of the product directly from the purchaser.":"GCodes Customer Service will coordinate all aspects of the return, including collection of the product directly from the purchaser.","All GCode Customer Service order inquiry tickets for this scenario should include pictures of both the product and the packaging.":"All GCode Customer Service order inquiry tickets for this scenario should include pictures of both the product and the packaging.","Upon receipt and verification of the damaged or non-working product by supplier, the replacement order will be dispatched, subject to supplier availability of the original product.":"Upon receipt and verification of the damaged or non-working product by supplier, the replacement order will be dispatched, subject to supplier availability of the original product.","When applicable, return freight for both the return to the supplier and\/or for the replacement delivery, will be paid by GRS.":"When applicable, return freight for both the return to the supplier and\/or for the replacement delivery, will be paid by GRS.","If the original product is no longer available, GRS reserves the right to cancel the order and refund the purchase.":"If the original product is no longer available, GRS reserves the right to cancel the order and refund the purchase.","Purchaser must notify GCodes Customer Service of a return of incorrect products received within 10 business days from dispatch date.":"Purchaser must notify GCodes Customer Service of a return of incorrect products received within 10 business days from dispatch date.","GCodes Customer Service will coordinate all aspects of the inquiry including communications with supplier.":"GCodes Customer Service will coordinate all aspects of the inquiry including communications with supplier.","All GCode Customer Service order inquiry tickets for this scenario should include pictures of the product and packing slips.":"All GCode Customer Service order inquiry tickets for this scenario should include pictures of the product and packing slips.","Upon receipt and verification of the incorrect product by supplier, the replacement order will be dispatched, subject to supplier availability of the original product.":"Upon receipt and verification of the incorrect product by supplier, the replacement order will be dispatched, subject to supplier availability of the original product.","Purchaser must notify GRS of a non-receipt of a product within Ten (10) business days from notification of dispatch.":"Purchaser must notify GRS of a non-receipt of a product within Ten (10) business days from notification of dispatch.","Upon completion of a non-receipt of product inquiry, if proof of delivery from the supplier can be obtained by GRS, the proof of delivery will be provided to the Purchaser and the investigation will be closed.":"Upon completion of a non-receipt of product inquiry, if proof of delivery from the supplier can be obtained by GRS, the proof of delivery will be provided to the Purchaser and the investigation will be closed.","However, if proof of delivery from the supplier cannot be obtained by GRS, a replacement order will be processed.":"However, if proof of delivery from the supplier cannot be obtained by GRS, a replacement order will be processed.","If you have any questions, please contact:":"If you have any questions, please contact:","Email: info@g.codes":"Email: info@g.codes","Phone: +1 877 412 4695 (US and Canada Toll-Free)":"Phone: +1 877 412 4695 (US and Canada Toll-Free)","Mailing Address:":"Mailing Address:","If an incorrect product claim is not accepted by the supplier, GCodes Customer Service will work directly with the Purchaser to determine next steps including but not limited to:":"If an incorrect product claim is not accepted by the supplier, GCodes Customer Service will work directly with the Purchaser to determine next steps including but not limited to:","coordinating reshipment and assignment of responsibility for incurred costs.":"coordinating reshipment and assignment of responsibility for incurred costs.","Order Cancellation and Exchange Requests":"Order Cancellation and Exchange Requests","GCodes Customer Service will work directly with the Purchaser to determine next steps including but not limited to:":"GCodes Customer Service will work directly with the Purchaser to determine next steps including but not limited to:","If a damaged or non-working claim is not accepted by the supplier (product is working correctly or product damaged after delivery),":"If a damaged or non-working claim is not accepted by the supplier (product is working correctly or product damaged after delivery),","This license shall automatically terminate if you violate any of these restrictions":"This license shall automatically terminate if you violate any of these restrictions","and may be terminated by GRS at any time.":"and may be terminated by GRS at any time.","Global Reward Solutions Inc.(GRS) provides the use of https:\/\/app.g.codes (the website),":"Global Reward Solutions Inc.(GRS) provides the use of https:\/\/app.g.codes (the website),","the GCodes API and GCodes for Salesforce (collectively, 'GCodes')":"the GCodes API and GCodes for Salesforce (collectively, 'GCodes')","subject to these Terms of Use.":"subject to these Terms of Use.","Our organization takes great care to respect the privacy of the personal and corporate data contained within its systems.":"Our organization takes great care to respect the privacy of the personal and corporate data contained within its systems.","For this reason, we only collect and process data only for reasons and ways needed to provide our services to you.":"For this reason, we only collect and process data only for reasons and ways needed to provide our services to you.","Other data collected that could directly or indirectly identify you":"Other data collected that could directly or indirectly identify you","Our Privacy Policy is intended to describe to you how and what data we collect, and how and why we use your personal data.":"Our Privacy Policy is intended to describe to you how and what data we collect, and how and why we use your personal data.","It also describes options we provide for you to access, update or otherwise take control of your personal data that we process.":"It also describes options we provide for you to access, update or otherwise take control of your personal data that we process.","If you have questions about our policies or processes described below, please":"If you have questions about our policies or processes described below, please","Your personal data includes information such as":"Your personal data includes information such as","Mailing address":"Mailing address","We collect information so that we are able to deliver the best possible user experience on our platform(s).":"We collect information so that we are able to deliver the best possible user experience on our platform(s).","Much of this information is collected in the following ways:":"Much of this information is collected in the following ways:","Account Creation or Modification - as done by you directly or by an organization that has enrolled you on our platform(s)":"Account Creation or Modification - as done by you directly or by an organization that has enrolled you on our platform(s)","Order Placement - when placing an order in our system that requires a delivery address or contact details":"Order Placement - when placing an order in our system that requires a delivery address or contact details","Customer Service Inquiry - when contacting our support team to address an issue":"Customer Service Inquiry - when contacting our support team to address an issue","The information collected is structured to be at the bare minimum required to provide adequate services to our clients and users.":"The information collected is structured to be at the bare minimum required to provide adequate services to our clients and users.","Additionally, we do have other forms of data collection that may not be obvious:":"Additionally, we do have other forms of data collection that may not be obvious:","These allow us to track browsing behaviour on our platforms.":"These allow us to track browsing behaviour on our platforms.","We make use of Google Analytics to provide us insight into site usage and overall performance from the end user perspective.":"We make use of Google Analytics to provide us insight into site usage and overall performance from the end user perspective.","No personal data is transferred to Google in this way and we do not make use of tracking beyond our platform(s)":"No personal data is transferred to Google in this way and we do not make use of tracking beyond our platform(s)","Usage logs are automatically generated through all interactions with our services.":"Usage logs are automatically generated through all interactions with our services.","These logs contain specific service usage, source IP addresses, site referral URLs, system performance, as well as browser, operating system, and device information.":"These logs contain specific service usage, source IP addresses, site referral URLs, system performance, as well as browser, operating system, and device information.","Upon enrolment your account may have been configured with additional details regarding your account and role within the enrolled program.":"Upon enrolment your account may have been configured with additional details regarding your account and role within the enrolled program.","This data is typically provided by the enrolling organization and typically consists of a job title and department.":"This data is typically provided by the enrolling organization and typically consists of a job title and department.","The information provided is typically pertinent to the type of program your organization is operating on our platform.":"The information provided is typically pertinent to the type of program your organization is operating on our platform.","Inquiries regarding this type of data should be forwarded to your own organization.":"Inquiries regarding this type of data should be forwarded to your own organization.","While we collect a minimum amount of data on our users, we strictly process this data solely for the purposes of providing contracted services to the end user and client.":"While we collect a minimum amount of data on our users, we strictly process this data solely for the purposes of providing contracted services to the end user and client.","Data is only used for purposes that:":"Data is only used for purposes that:","for which we have been given permission":"for which we have been given permission","are necessary to deliver the Services you purchase or interact with, or":"are necessary to deliver the Services you purchase or interact with, or","might be required or permitted for legal compliance or other lawful purposes":"might be required or permitted for legal compliance or other lawful purposes","These uses include delivering, improving, updating and enhancing the Services we provide to you.":"These uses include delivering, improving, updating and enhancing the Services we provide to you.","We collect various information relating to your use and\/or interactions with our Services.":"We collect various information relating to your use and\/or interactions with our Services.","We utilize this information to:":"We utilize this information to:","Improve and optimize the operation and performance of our Services') }}<\/b>, {{ ('specifically our applications and customer service.":"Improve and optimize the operation and performance of our Services') }}<\/b>, {{ ('specifically our applications and customer service.","Diagnose problems":"Diagnose problems","with and identify any security risks, errors or needed enhancements to the Services.":"with and identify any security risks, errors or needed enhancements to the Services.","and abuse of our Services and systems.":"and abuse of our Services and systems.","Detect and prevent fraud":"Detect and prevent fraud","Collect aggregate statistics":"Collect aggregate statistics","about use of the Services.":"about use of the Services.","Understand and analyze how you use our Services":"Understand and analyze how you use our Services","and what features and products are most relevant to you.":"and what features and products are most relevant to you.","We may share your information with the following entities in order to provide you with service:":"We may share your information with the following entities in order to provide you with service:","Outsourced Call Center":"Outsourced Call Center","Product Fulfilment":"Product Fulfilment","in order to provide local fulfilment of reward orders we will provide your shipping details to a local supplier who will deliver goods to you.":"in order to provide local fulfilment of reward orders we will provide your shipping details to a local supplier who will deliver goods to you.","In all cases we ensure that our sub-processing partners provide the same level of security and privacy to your personal data that we provide.":"In all cases we ensure that our sub-processing partners provide the same level of security and privacy to your personal data that we provide.","Improve and optimize the operation and performance of our Services":"Improve and optimize the operation and performance of our Services","specifically our applications and customer service.":"specifically our applications and customer service.","Often, much of the data collected is aggregated or statistical data about how individuals use our Services,":"Often, much of the data collected is aggregated or statistical data about how individuals use our Services,","and is not linked to any personal data, but to the extent it is itself personal data,":"and is not linked to any personal data, but to the extent it is itself personal data,","or is linked or linkable to personal data, we treat it accordingly":"or is linked or linkable to personal data, we treat it accordingly","You are permitted to request a report of the personal data contained on our platforms.":"You are permitted to request a report of the personal data contained on our platforms.","To request a report, you may do any of the following:":"To request a report, you may do any of the following:","Use the provided tools on the platform (if available) and generate the report on an as needed basis.":"Use the provided tools on the platform (if available) and generate the report on an as needed basis.","Contact your program administrator":"Contact your program administrator","Contact our customer service team directly and submit the request by way of phone or email (contact details should be provided with within your program)":"Contact our customer service team directly and submit the request by way of phone or email (contact details should be provided with within your program)","You are permitted to update your user profile information at any time using the provided tools on platform(s).":"You are permitted to update your user profile information at any time using the provided tools on platform(s).","If you are unable to do so, please contact your local program administrator.":"If you are unable to do so, please contact your local program administrator.","You are permitted to request to delete your personal information from our platform.":"You are permitted to request to delete your personal information from our platform.","In doing so, we will be unable to provide any additional service to you as a customer.":"In doing so, we will be unable to provide any additional service to you as a customer.","This will have the following consequences:":"This will have the following consequences:","We will be unable to provide you with customer support regarding any placed orders:":"We will be unable to provide you with customer support regarding any placed orders:","Unable to handle any order status \/ delivery updates":"Unable to handle any order status \/ delivery updates","Unable to handle any product returns":"Unable to handle any product returns","Unable to provide any refunds":"Unable to provide any refunds","Unable to provide any warranty proof-of-purchase":"Unable to provide any warranty proof-of-purchase","We will be unable to provide you with any historical account of your activities in the system.":"We will be unable to provide you with any historical account of your activities in the system.","We will be unable to reactivate your account and\/or reissue any terminated account balances":"We will be unable to reactivate your account and\/or reissue any terminated account balances","Similarly, to personal data reports, you may request to have your personal data removed from our platform(s) by any of the following ways:":"Similarly, to personal data reports, you may request to have your personal data removed from our platform(s) by any of the following ways:","Use the provided tools on the platform (if available) and trigger a deletion request":"Use the provided tools on the platform (if available) and trigger a deletion request","We follow generally accepted standards to store and protect the personal data we collect, both during transmission and once received and stored, including utilization of encryption where appropriate.":"We follow generally accepted standards to store and protect the personal data we collect, both during transmission and once received and stored, including utilization of encryption where appropriate.","We retain personal data only for as long as necessary to provide services and thereafter for a variety of legitimate legal or business purposes.":"We retain personal data only for as long as necessary to provide services and thereafter for a variety of legitimate legal or business purposes.","These might include retention periods:":"These might include retention periods:","Mandated by law, contract or similar obligations applicable to our business operations.":"Mandated by law, contract or similar obligations applicable to our business operations.","For preserving, resolving, defending or enforcing our legal\/contractual rights.":"For preserving, resolving, defending or enforcing our legal\/contractual rights.","Needed to maintain adequate and accurate business and financial records.":"Needed to maintain adequate and accurate business and financial records.","If you have any questions about the security or retention of your personal data, please":"If you have any questions about the security or retention of your personal data, please","If you utilize our Services from a country other than the country where our servers are located, your communications with us may result in transferring your personal data across international borders.":"If you utilize our Services from a country other than the country where our servers are located, your communications with us may result in transferring your personal data across international borders.","In these cases, your personal data is handled according to this Privacy Policy.":"In these cases, your personal data is handled according to this Privacy Policy.","To the extent we are legally permitted to do so, we will take reasonable steps to notify you in the event that we are required to provide your personal information to third parties as part of legal Process.":"To the extent we are legally permitted to do so, we will take reasonable steps to notify you in the event that we are required to provide your personal information to third parties as part of legal Process.","Some browsers allow you to automatically notify websites you visit not to track you using a 'Do Not Track' signal.":"Some browsers allow you to automatically notify websites you visit not to track you using a 'Do Not Track' signal.","There is no consensus among industry participants as to what 'Do Not Track' means in this context.":"There is no consensus among industry participants as to what 'Do Not Track' means in this context.","Like many websites and online services, we currently do not alter our practices when we receive a 'Do Not Track' signal from a visitor's browser.":"Like many websites and online services, we currently do not alter our practices when we receive a 'Do Not Track' signal from a visitor's browser.","Our Services are available for purchase only for those over the age of 16.":"Our Services are available for purchase only for those over the age of 16.","Our Services are not targeted to, intended to be consumed by or designed to entice individuals under the age of 16.":"Our Services are not targeted to, intended to be consumed by or designed to entice individuals under the age of 16.","If you know of or have reason to believe anyone under the age of 18 has provided us with any personal data, please":"If you know of or have reason to believe anyone under the age of 18 has provided us with any personal data, please","We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time.":"We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time.","We cooperate with government and law enforcement officials and private parties to enforce and comply with the law.":"We cooperate with government and law enforcement officials and private parties to enforce and comply with the law.","Also, when you call us or initiate a chat,":"Also, when you call us or initiate a chat,","we may provide you with support from one of our global locations outside your country of origin.":"we may provide you with support from one of our global locations outside your country of origin.","If we decide to change our Privacy Policy,":"If we decide to change our Privacy Policy,","we will post those changes to this Privacy Policy and any other places we deem appropriate,":"we will post those changes to this Privacy Policy and any other places we deem appropriate,","so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.":"so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.","To find out more, you may wish to visit":"To find out more, you may wish to visit","We will disclose any information about you to government or law enforcement officials or private parties as we, in our sole discretion,":"We will disclose any information about you to government or law enforcement officials or private parties as we, in our sole discretion,","believe necessary or appropriate to respond to claims and legal process (such as subpoena requests),":"believe necessary or appropriate to respond to claims and legal process (such as subpoena requests),","to protect our property and rights or the property and rights of a third party, to protect the safety of the public or any person, or to prevent or stop activity we consider to be illegal or unethical.":"to protect our property and rights or the property and rights of a third party, to protect the safety of the public or any person, or to prevent or stop activity we consider to be illegal or unethical.","to provide 24\/7 customer service to our clients and users.":"to provide 24\/7 customer service to our clients and users.","We may make use of an outsourced call center with dedicated contracted staff":"We may make use of an outsourced call center with dedicated contracted staff","Client hereby agrees to purchase GCodes and acknowledges and agrees that each Order constitutes a binding, unconditional contract for the purchase and sale of the GCodes which may not be cancelled by Client.":"Client hereby agrees to purchase GCodes and acknowledges and agrees that each Order constitutes a binding, unconditional contract for the purchase and sale of the GCodes which may not be cancelled by Client.","The Purchase Price includes all applicable Taxes.":"The Purchase Price includes all applicable Taxes.","and pay for GCode Orders including the user identification number and password provided to Client in connection with Participants registration with GCode application,":"and pay for GCode Orders including the user identification number and password provided to Client in connection with Participants registration with GCode application,","and Client's payment information.":"and Client's payment information.","Client shall not have access to the GCodes Participant balance and purchase history, nor the details of the GCode Redemption data purchased by GCodes Recipient from the Client and GCode application.":"Client shall not have access to the GCodes Participant balance and purchase history, nor the details of the GCode Redemption data purchased by GCodes Recipient from the Client and GCode application.","All disclosures, terms and conditions, redemption instructions and any other such materials relating to the GCodes for distribution to Participants within the GCodes website.":"All disclosures, terms and conditions, redemption instructions and any other such materials relating to the GCodes for distribution to Participants within the GCodes website.","GCode Orders will not be fulfilled unless sufficient funds exist to cover the entire Purchase Price.":"GCode Orders will not be fulfilled unless sufficient funds exist to cover the entire Purchase Price.","All payments are final and non-refundable.":"All payments are final and non-refundable.","GCodes will be transmitted to the Participant to the digital address designated by Client in connection with the submission of such GCode Order.":"GCodes will be transmitted to the Participant to the digital address designated by Client in connection with the submission of such GCode Order.","Client acknowledges that (i) Obligation to transmit the GCodes to Participant is expressly conditioned upon availability of funds and":"Client acknowledges that (i) Obligation to transmit the GCodes to Participant is expressly conditioned upon availability of funds and","(ii) any agreed-upon delivery date for the GCodes is subject to change for any cause that interferes with delivery of the GCodes, including, but not limited to, any event of Force Majeure.":"(ii) any agreed-upon delivery date for the GCodes is subject to change for any cause that interferes with delivery of the GCodes, including, but not limited to, any event of Force Majeure.","Title to the GCodes, and the risk of loss associated with the GCodes, shall pass to Client upon transmission of the GCodes to the Delivery Address.":"Title to the GCodes, and the risk of loss associated with the GCodes, shall pass to Client upon transmission of the GCodes to the Delivery Address.","Client further represents, warrants and covenants that:":"Client further represents, warrants and covenants that:","(i) it shall cause its Client to not re-sell, nor permit the re-sale of, any of the GCodes outside the Clients own use of the GCodes;":"(i) it shall cause its Client to not re-sell, nor permit the re-sale of, any of the GCodes outside the Clients own use of the GCodes;","(ii) Client shall only use or distribute the GCodes purchased hereunder for loyalty, award or gifting or promotional purposes within an approved Client App.":"(ii) Client shall only use or distribute the GCodes purchased hereunder for loyalty, award or gifting or promotional purposes within an approved Client App.","For the avoidance of doubt, Client acknowledges and agrees that it shall not use any trade name, trademark or other intellectual property of any provider that may provide a GCodes Redemption Option without the prior written consent of GRS.":"For the avoidance of doubt, Client acknowledges and agrees that it shall not use any trade name, trademark or other intellectual property of any provider that may provide a GCodes Redemption Option without the prior written consent of GRS.","Client acknowledges the GCodes must be Activated by Participant prior to use.":"Client acknowledges the GCodes must be Activated by Participant prior to use.","Client further acknowledges that the GCodes should be treated like cash and stored in a secure manner until distributed to the participants.":"Client further acknowledges that the GCodes should be treated like cash and stored in a secure manner until distributed to the participants.","GCodes must be activated within 90 days from date of purchase.":"GCodes must be activated within 90 days from date of purchase.","Once activated by Participant, GCodes must be redeemed within 365 days from date of activation.":"Once activated by Participant, GCodes must be redeemed within 365 days from date of activation.","Failing to activate or redeem GCodes within specified deadlines will result in GCodes being expired.":"Failing to activate or redeem GCodes within specified deadlines will result in GCodes being expired.","Expired GCodes cannot be reactivated.":"Expired GCodes cannot be reactivated.","Promptly upon a Party having actual knowledge of any loss, theft or damage related to or arising out of the GCodes,":"Promptly upon a Party having actual knowledge of any loss, theft or damage related to or arising out of the GCodes,","the unauthorized Activation or redemption of the GCodes,":"the unauthorized Activation or redemption of the GCodes,","the unauthorized issuance or attempted issuance of the GCodes,":"the unauthorized issuance or attempted issuance of the GCodes,","or any fraudulently Activated GCodes or attempts to fraudulently Activate GCodes,":"or any fraudulently Activated GCodes or attempts to fraudulently Activate GCodes,","it shall notify the other Party thereof, along with any related pertinent information.":"it shall notify the other Party thereof, along with any related pertinent information.","In connection with receipt of such notice, the Parties shall use commercially reasonable efforts to investigate the foregoing and to mitigate any harm therefrom":"In connection with receipt of such notice, the Parties shall use commercially reasonable efforts to investigate the foregoing and to mitigate any harm therefrom","(such as by de-Activating the related GCodes as to any unused balance on the affected GCodes).":"(such as by de-Activating the related GCodes as to any unused balance on the affected GCodes).","As between GRS and Client, the Parties acknowledge that liability for losses, including damage or destruction, with respect to the GCodes shall be as follows:":"As between GRS and Client, the Parties acknowledge that liability for losses, including damage or destruction, with respect to the GCodes shall be as follows:","(b) Any losses related to or arising out of the GCodes following transmission of the GCodes shall be the sole responsibility of Client.":"(b) Any losses related to or arising out of the GCodes following transmission of the GCodes shall be the sole responsibility of Client.","Client and Participants will be provided customer support in connection with any GCodes Orders.":"Client and Participants will be provided customer support in connection with any GCodes Orders.","Client shall be responsible for any direct customer service support for Participants;":"Client shall be responsible for any direct customer service support for Participants;","however, Client shall promptly notify GCode Customer Service of any inquiries or complaints it receives from Participants arising out of any distribution of GCodes":"however, Client shall promptly notify GCode Customer Service of any inquiries or complaints it receives from Participants arising out of any distribution of GCodes","and Client shall not, and shall not permit any third party to make any representations on behalf of or concerning any GCodes Redemption Provider.":"and Client shall not, and shall not permit any third party to make any representations on behalf of or concerning any GCodes Redemption Provider.","Client authorizes the GCode Purchase Portal to accept and process GCode Orders from anyone using the necessary information to access Client's account":"Client authorizes the GCode Purchase Portal to accept and process GCode Orders from anyone using the necessary information to access Client's account","Client agrees that it shall only permit authorized personnel utilizing the security credentials provided by GRS to purchase the GCodes.":"Client agrees that it shall only permit authorized personnel utilizing the security credentials provided by GRS to purchase the GCodes.","Such authorized personnel shall only access the GCodes Purchase Portal using authorized workstations at Client-operated locations.":"Such authorized personnel shall only access the GCodes Purchase Portal using authorized workstations at Client-operated locations.","Client agrees that sale of the GCodes does not convey Client any rights or licenses, whatsoever,":"Client agrees that sale of the GCodes does not convey Client any rights or licenses, whatsoever,","expressly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise,":"expressly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise,","with respect to any trademarks, trade names or other intellectual property rights related to the GCodes.":"with respect to any trademarks, trade names or other intellectual property rights related to the GCodes.","For the avoidance of doubt,":"For the avoidance of doubt,","Client acknowledges and agrees that it shall not use any trade name, trademark or other intellectual property of any provider that may provide a GCodes Redemption Option without the prior written consent of GRS.":"Client acknowledges and agrees that it shall not use any trade name, trademark or other intellectual property of any provider that may provide a GCodes Redemption Option without the prior written consent of GRS.","and capable of being used for purchases of GCodes Redemption Options.":"and capable of being used for purchases of GCodes Redemption Options.","Activate means enable purchases":"Activate means enable purchases","If this is your first time redeeming a reward, please register a new account.":"If this is your first time redeeming a reward, please register a new account.","Log in.":"Log in.","Longer than 8 characters":"Longer than 8 characters","Contains a capital letter":"Contains a capital letter","Contains a lowercase letter":"Contains a lowercase letter","Contains a number":"Contains a number","Contains a special character":"Contains a special character","Edit User Profile":"Edit User Profile","Data Storage":"Data Storage","Data is stored securely at multiple locations, in conjunction with our technology partners.":"Data is stored securely at multiple locations, in conjunction with our technology partners.","Primary Data Facility":"Primary Data Facility","Technology Partner":"Technology Partner","Location":"Location","Services":"Services","Toronto, Canada":"Toronto, Canada","Collocation":"Collocation","Disaster Recovery Facility":"Disaster Recovery Facility","Limburg, Germany":"Limburg, Germany","Private Cloud":"Private Cloud","Successfully Activated":"Successfully Activated","Updating...":"Updating...","Updating Password...":"Updating Password...","No matching records found":"No matching records found","Filter":"Filter","Ordering...":"Ordering...","Return":"Return","Sending...":"Sending...","Creating...":"Creating...","records per page":"records per page","to":"to","Showing Records":"Showing Records","Installed":"Installed","Install":"Install","Members must have at least one GCode in their wallet to edit their Profile.":"Members must have at least one GCode in their wallet to edit their Profile.","Members must have at least one GCode in their wallet to view their Orders.":"Members must have at least one GCode in their wallet to view their Orders.","Members must have at least one GCode in their wallet to view their Points.":"Members must have at least one GCode in their wallet to view their Points.","Members must have at least one GCode in their wallet to view the Gallery.":"Members must have at least one GCode in their wallet to view the Gallery.","Profile updated succesfully":"Profile updated succesfully","Password updated successfully":"Password updated successfully","Member updated successfully":"Member updated successfully","Reset Password":"Reset Password","Please check your inbox for an email with further instructions.":"Please check your inbox for an email with further instructions.","If you have an account with us, you should receive it shortly.":"If you have an account with us, you should receive it shortly.","Your account is temporarily disabled due to %disable_attempts% failed login attempts.":"Your account is temporarily disabled due to %disable_attempts% failed login attempts.","Code is already redeemed":"Code is already redeemed","Invalid code format":"Invalid code format","Repeat New Password":"Repeat New Password","Please login with your new password.":"Please login with your new password.","The password must meet the following complexity requirements.":"The password must meet the following complexity requirements.","The Currency field is required.":"The Currency field is required.","The format of this partner code is invalid.":"The format of this partner code is invalid.","The format of this Gift Code is invalid.":"The format of this Gift Code is invalid.","You must agree to the GCodes Purchase agreement before continuing.":"You must agree to the GCodes Purchase agreement before continuing.","You must agree to the GCodes Terms of Service before continuing.":"You must agree to the GCodes Terms of Service before continuing.","The Quantity field must be an integer greater than 0.":"The Quantity field must be an integer greater than 0.","Country code can only contain numbers and cannot be 0.":"Country code can only contain numbers and cannot be 0.","Area code can only contain numbers and cannot be 0.":"Area code can only contain numbers and cannot be 0.","Phone number can only contain numbers and hyphens and end with numbers.":"Phone number can only contain numbers and hyphens and end with numbers.","The Postal Code is invalid for this province.":"The Postal Code is invalid for this province.","The Postal Code is invalid.":"The Postal Code is invalid.","Colocation":"Colocation","Client ID is not valid.":"Client ID is not valid.","Username cannot be empty":"Username cannot be empty","Password cannot be empty":"Password cannot be empty","Both Username and Password are required":"Both Username and Password are required","User does not exist":"User does not exist","Invalid password provided":"Invalid password provided","Invalid username and password combination":"Invalid username and password combination","Global Reward Solutions.":"Global Reward Solutions.","You are logged out of your account due to inactivity, please sign in again.":"You are logged out of your account due to inactivity, please sign in again.","Global Reward Solutions ULC (GRS) provides the use of https:\/\/app.g.codes (the website),":"Global Reward Solutions ULC (GRS) provides the use of https:\/\/app.g.codes (the website),","If the requested fulfillment details are not provided by the Purchaser by the end of the third full business day, Global Reward Solutions ULC reserves the right to cancel the product order and refund the purchase.":"If the requested fulfillment details are not provided by the Purchaser by the end of the third full business day, Global Reward Solutions ULC reserves the right to cancel the product order and refund the purchase.","Reward Order Inquiry":"Reward Order Inquiry","Require Two Factor Authentication":"Require Two Factor Authentication","Reset 2FA":"Reset 2FA","User Permissions":"User Permissions","View Transactions":"View Transactions","Users who have the ":"Users who have the "," permission are required to have Two Factor Authentication enabled.":" permission are required to have Two Factor Authentication enabled.","permission are required to have Two Factor Authentication enabled.":"permission are required to have Two Factor Authentication enabled.","Two-Factor Authentication for user successfully reset":"Two-Factor Authentication for user successfully reset","GRS Order ID":"GRS Order ID","Due to the ongoing situation in Ukraine, your account profile has been locked. If you believe this is in error, please contact us<\/a>.":"Due to the ongoing situation in Ukraine, your account profile has been locked. If you believe this is in error, please contact us<\/a>.","Please note this feature is not available on all reward sites, please contact your code issuer for further details.":"Please note this feature is not available on all reward sites, please contact your code issuer for further details.","Congratulations! You have received a Reward!":"Congratulations! You have received a Reward!","Congratulations %receiver_name%!":"Congratulations %receiver_name%!","You received a GCode Reward for":"You received a GCode Reward for","From: %sender_firstname% %sender_lastname%":"From: %sender_firstname% %sender_lastname%","how it":"how it","works":"works","Click the Add to Wallet button":"Click the Add to Wallet button","Register or log in to your account":"Register or log in to your account","Activate GCode in your Wallet":"Activate GCode in your Wallet","Shop the Gallery!":"Shop the Gallery!","visit the FAQ page for more info":"visit the FAQ page for more info","Copyright":"Copyright","_All rights reserved.":"All rights reserved.","Valid only for purchases from":"Valid only for purchases from","Operated by Global Reward Solutions\u00a0Inc.":"Operated by Global Reward Solutions\u00a0Inc.","Use requires an active GCodes account & prior acceptance of terms and conditions.":"Use requires an active GCodes account & prior acceptance of terms and conditions.","Global\u00a0Reward Solutions Inc reserves the right to deactivate or reject any GCode issued or procured,\u00a0directly or indirectly, in connection with fraudulent actions, unless prohibited by law.":"Global\u00a0Reward Solutions Inc reserves the right to deactivate or reject any GCode issued or procured,\u00a0directly or indirectly, in connection with fraudulent actions, unless prohibited by law.","Global Reward Solutions Inc\u00a0is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from lost or stolen codes or for use without permission.":"Global Reward Solutions Inc\u00a0is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from lost or stolen codes or for use without permission.","GCodes must be activated and converted\u00a0into GCodes gallery points within 90 days of initial purchase.":"GCodes must be activated and converted\u00a0into GCodes gallery points within 90 days of initial purchase.","GCodes gallery points must be spent within 365 days of creation.":"GCodes gallery points must be spent within 365 days of creation.","See our\u00a0complete":"See our\u00a0complete","All customer service\u00a0inquiries related to GCodes should be directed to GCodes":"All customer service\u00a0inquiries related to GCodes should be directed to GCodes","_customer service":"customer service","Remember Me":"Remember Me","_support":"support","Please use the verification code provided below to verify your account.":"Please use the verification code provided below to verify your account.","Hi %firstname%,":"Hi %firstname%,","We received a request to reset the password associated with this email address.":"We received a request to reset the password associated with this email address.","Click the button below to reset your password:":"Click the button below to reset your password:","If you did not make this request, or require assistance, please contact":"If you did not make this request, or require assistance, please contact","Thank you and enjoy your Rewards":"Thank you and enjoy your Rewards","The GCodes Team":"The GCodes Team","GCode Authentication Code":"GCode Authentication Code","GRS Order Item Id":"GRS Order Item Id","Thank you and enjoy your Rewards!":"Thank you and enjoy your Rewards!","Forgot Password":"Forgot Password","If you have questions about our policies or processes described below, you may contact our privacy team by emailing":"If you have questions about our policies or processes described below, you may contact our privacy team by emailing","or":"or","Website Contact Form - as done by you when requesting a call-back, white-paper, or subscription to a newsletter":"Website Contact Form - as done by you when requesting a call-back, white-paper, or subscription to a newsletter","We make use of Google Analytics to provide us insight into site usage and overall performance from the end user's perspective.":"We make use of Google Analytics to provide us insight into site usage and overall performance from the end user's perspective.","We additionally make use of cookies to manage user authentication against our platforms.":"We additionally make use of cookies to manage user authentication against our platforms.","These cookies are essential for the proper operation of the application.":"These cookies are essential for the proper operation of the application.","formerly":"formerly","Public Cloud":"Public Cloud","Region":"Region","Compute, Storage, DNS, DRaaS":"Compute, Storage, DNS, DRaaS","International Transfers of Collected Information":"International Transfers of Collected Information","If you use our Services from a country other than the country where our servers are located, your communications with us may result in transferring your personal data across international borders.":"If you use our Services from a country other than the country where our servers are located, your communications with us may result in transferring your personal data across international borders.","In these cases, your personal data is handled according to this Privacy Notice.":"In these cases, your personal data is handled according to this Privacy Notice.","International Transfers to Third Parties":"International Transfers to Third Parties","Some of the third parties described in this privacy notice, which provide services to us under contract, are based in other countries that may not have equivalent privacy and data protection laws to the country in which you reside.":"Some of the third parties described in this privacy notice, which provide services to us under contract, are based in other countries that may not have equivalent privacy and data protection laws to the country in which you reside.","When we share information of customers in the European Economic Area, the UK, or Switzerland, we will make use of the following:":"When we share information of customers in the European Economic Area, the UK, or Switzerland, we will make use of the following:","Standard contractual data protection clauses":"Standard contractual data protection clauses","Binding corporate rules for transfers to data processors":"Binding corporate rules for transfers to data processors","Legal and security mechanisms to safeguard the transfer":"Legal and security mechanisms to safeguard the transfer","List of Sub-Processors":"List of Sub-Processors","Sub-Processor":"Sub-Processor","Description\/Purpose":"Description\/Purpose","Hybrid-cloud services (compute and storage); storage of replicated backups; on-premises DR landing zone; DNS services":"Hybrid-cloud services (compute and storage); storage of replicated backups; on-premises DR landing zone; DNS services","Region:":"Region:","Colocation; houses our production environment and primary data center":"Colocation; houses our production environment and primary data center","Customer service ticketing solution. System manages the inbound\/outbound communication between CarltonOne and the end-user help requests":"Customer service ticketing solution. System manages the inbound\/outbound communication between CarltonOne and the end-user help requests","California, USA":"California, USA","AWS Region:":"AWS Region:","Customer Relationship Management system. System manages the client-service related communications between CarltonOne and clients":"Customer Relationship Management system. System manages the client-service related communications between CarltonOne and clients","Massachusetts, USA":"Massachusetts, USA","Outsourced customer call center. Order Processing Coordinators and Customer Service Representatives may have access to limited customer data in order to provide contracted end-user support services":"Outsourced customer call center. Order Processing Coordinators and Customer Service Representatives may have access to limited customer data in order to provide contracted end-user support services","Manila, Philippines":"Manila, Philippines","These inboxes are actively monitored and someone will contact you quickly to answer your questions.":"These inboxes are actively monitored and someone will contact you quickly to answer your questions.","No personal data is transferred to Google in this way and we do not make use of tracking beyond our platform(s); all cookies are first-party cookies.":"No personal data is transferred to Google in this way and we do not make use of tracking beyond our platform(s); all cookies are first-party cookies.","We collect various types of information relating to your use and\/or interactions with our Services.":"We collect various types of information relating to your use and\/or interactions with our Services.","or is linked or linkable to personal data, we treat it accordingly.":"or is linked or linkable to personal data, we treat it accordingly.","we may make use of an outsourced call center with contracted dedicated staff":"we may make use of an outsourced call center with contracted dedicated staff","You are permitted to update your user profile information at any time using the provided tools on our platform(s).":"You are permitted to update your user profile information at any time using the provided tools on our platform(s).","After doing so, we will be unable to provide any additional service to you as a customer.":"After doing so, we will be unable to provide any additional service to you as a customer.","If you have any questions about the security or retention of your personal data, you can contact us at":"If you have any questions about the security or retention of your personal data, you can contact us at","Privacy Notice Changes":"Privacy Notice Changes","Contact our privacy team at":"Contact our privacy team at","This Privacy Notice was last updated July 26, 2022.":"This Privacy Notice was last updated July 26, 2022.","If you know of or have reason to believe anyone under the age of 16 has provided us with any personal data, please contact us at":"If you know of or have reason to believe anyone under the age of 16 has provided us with any personal data, please contact us at","For this reason, we collect and process data only for reasons and ways needed to provide our services to you.":"For this reason, we collect and process data only for reasons and ways needed to provide our services to you.","Our Privacy Notice is intended to describe to you how and what data we collect, and how and why we use your personal data.":"Our Privacy Notice is intended to describe to you how and what data we collect, and how and why we use your personal data.","We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Notice at any time.":"We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Notice at any time.","If we decide to change our Privacy Notice,":"If we decide to change our Privacy Notice,","we will post those changes to this documentation and any other places we deem appropriate,":"we will post those changes to this documentation and any other places we deem appropriate,","To find out more about":"To find out more about","Do Not Track,":"Do Not Track,","you may visit":"you may visit"}